Finally Somewhere over the Rainbow

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Skylar's POV

"Let me out!!" I screamed at the sick pervert. I could hear him laugh.

"Why would I want to let you go? You are my favorite." He whispered in my ear. "I do have other girls but they are not nearly as pretty as you. Nor do they scream like you." He caressed my face with his hands. I bit his finger when he runs it over my lips. He hit me. "You have a hard bite Biotch" he hit me again and then started to strip me down when the door was kicked in.

"Put your hands were I can see them." Yelled a black guy followed by a group of people.

"Help me please, please." I cried out to the people. My kidnapper ran through his back door and almost everyone ran after him except for a blonde girl and a tall lanky boy who didn't look much older than me.

"Hello I am special agent Jennifer Jareua and this is Dr. Spencer Reid. We are here to help you." They unchained me and helped me to the Ambulance.

"I am Skylar. Wait where are the others?" I asked. The two agents who saved me looked confused.

"What others?" asked Reid.

"The other guys that kidnapped me and the other girls who raped me?"

"Wait you were raped by girls and guys?" I nodded and remembered what he said to me.

"I don't know of anyone else being here are you sure there are others?" asked Reid

"Yes there has to be others. I know because he told me none of them screamed like me. He told me I was his favorite. He told me every day" I cried. They managed to get me to the ambulance.

"Okay Skylar I am gonna go with you but can you tell me where your family is?" Asked Jennifer.

"I have none. They sold me to that guy. And they told me that if this ever happens they will know and they will kill me." I began to cry again and I got really light headed. I remember hearing someone say my before it went all black.


"Hotch, She can't be put in the system she is 18. She has no family, they sold her to that sicko. Her family even threatened her. She has nowhere to go if it is okay with you I know a place for her. I know a couple who can protect her and adopt her even though she is 18." I told Hotch. He nodded and asked what paper he needed to sign. I gave him the papers.

"I am going back to the Hospital to talk to her and introduce her to the family." He said okay.

I finally made it back to the Hospital. Skylar has been here since the day we found her, 5 days ago. Today she gets to leave. I walked in to her hospital room and saw her sitting up in bed watching TV.

"Hi Skylar." I said. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Oh good you are here I woke and saw that neither you nor Dr. Reid where here so I got a little panicky." She told me.

"Well Skylar I would like to talk to you about umm your living arraignments." Skylar's face dropped.

"I am too old for the system and I don't have money or family. I don't have anywhere to go." I sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"Skylar I found you a home. The couple has a little boy. They both are happy to have you." I told her she wiped away her tears.

"I will have them come in to talk to you. You guys can have a little free time together and the wife has clothes for you."

"Thank you Jennifer."

"Of Course" I walked out and walked over to my husband.

Skylar POV

I was waiting to meet the couple Jennifer picked out for me. I heard a knock on the door and I told them to come in. I saw Jennifer holding hands with a man. I gave her a questioning look.

"Skylar, my husband want to adopt you." Jennifer told me. I broke out into a smile. ," This is my husband Josh." He put out a hand and I shook it.

"You guys really wanna adopt me?" I asked

"Yes, we want to give you a home and I figured you would feel better if it was with someone you trust. If you would like to move in and be part of our family of course." She handed me some clothes. I nodded and took the clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed into the clothes. She got me a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie. The hoodie was a little big but it was a good fit. I walked back out to see Jennifer and Josh talking to a doctor.

"Thanks for the clothes, umm what should I call you guys?" I asked.

"Call me JJ that is what everyone calls me." Said Jennifer.

"Call me Josh" said her husband.

"Well you guys can call me Sky" they nodded. The doctor said I was healthy and I could leave but would like me to check in once a month till further notice. Jennifer said that she will make sure that I do call in.

"I have to go pick up my son Henry and Josh has to work tonight so would you like to go get some dinner?" asked JJ. I nodded.

"That sounds great. Could we maybe get Chinese food I haven't had Chinese food in years." She said of course. I hopped up front with her and we went to a big building.

"This is your son's daycare?" I asked. She laughed.

"No not really. This is the BAU. I work here. Do you wanna come in?" I nodded.

"You won't believe me but I wanted to go into the FBI since I was 15." I told her.

"Really well what was your job in the FBI that you wanted?"

"To be a profiler." JJ smiled at my answer.

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