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"what? you mean jackson fag?" jaemin asks, and mark nods.

"I tried getting him to come out or do something, but he won't" mark says.

principal moon turns on the loud speaker.

jackson wang come to my office.

mark perks up.

"let's go spy" jaemin looks at jeno and he nods.

they start walking to the principals office and they put their heads against the door to listen to what's going on.

"I'm aware of what's been going on between you, seo youngho, and lee minhyung" he leans in the desk and jackson stays silent.

"I'm also aware that you came from the same school as youngho, but this... all you've been doing to him doesn't give you a right to judge him because he doesn't speak. hell, if I was a student here I wouldn't speak either"

"principal moon, I don't know what you know but-"

"don't play that card on me young man, I know what you kids are like and I'm not falling for it. I had a student come and report to me everything that he saw and quite frankly I don't think you can make it up" jackson looks down.

"was it his stupid brother?"

"he's not stupid, and no it wasn't him. I also don't like your attitude towards people, and I especially don't like the way you treat youngho" jackson rolls his eyes.

"do you want me to expel you like what happened at your last school?" he gives him a look and jackson shakes his head.

"that's what I thought, now enough with everything you're doing or I will expel you, for now you will be getting another suspension for 5 days this time" he grabs jackson's records and he looks at them.

"principal moon, please don't suspend me I just-"

"I will expel you" he glances at jackson then back down at the papers.

"can I tell you a secret?"

"a secret? what kind of a secret?" principal moon looks at jackson.

"I do all this stuff because-"

"you want to get this attention I'm assuming" jackson looks shocked that he figured it out.

"how did you-"

"this school is filled with stuff like that, there's many boys that are gay and there's many bisexuals, I know when something like this goes on. I wish it happened when I attended here, I like all the drama" principal moon stands up.

"please don't tell anyone about this" jackson stands up after him.

"don't worry, it's safe with me. but you're still suspended now go" he says.

jaemin and jeno run away quickly and back into the bathroom.

"well?" donghyuck looks at them.

"some shit went down" jaemin says and jeno chuckles.

"what kind of shit?" mark asks.

"well, let's just say someone has a crush on johnny" jaemin says and jeno sighs.

"why did you put it like that?"

"why not?"

"okay hold up, what did you say?" mark interrupts them.

"oh jackson likes johnny, that's why he's bullied him all these years was to get his attention" jaemin says and there's a slam coming from inside the stall.

"johnny?" mark stands up and then the door opens.

johnny doesn't say anything, he walks out of the bathroom and he leaves school.

short chapter but that's because I wanted to leave y'all a cliffhanger :)

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