Chapter 5: Secret Agents

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I woke up in the morning with my face burrowed into my pillow. I was instantly proud of myself for making it back to my own apartment. And I was obviously still alive so I had nothing to worry about earlier.

There was a weight on my back. Grace had always been a reckless sleeper and would sometimes roll on top of me while I slept. So I didn't think about my situation too much before grumbling, "go back to your side of the bed."

"No, this is our side of the bed." A voice, that definitely wasn't Grace's, replied.

My eyes flew open and I started wiggling to try to get out from under the person on top of me. Now that my brain was working a little better I realized Grace wasn't even in the state of New York, let alone in my apartment.

Actually, I didn't even think this was my apartment.

"Stop moving, Goldie Locks, I'm nice and comfy." Parker groaned.

"Parker whatever-your-middle-name-is Adessi, get off me right this second!" I yelped.

I finally managed to flip myself over, finding myself face to face with Parker.

"Good morning, Goldie Locks." He said with a grin.

"I will castrate you if you don't get off me right this second, Adessi." I threatened.

"You would regret that."

"I don't think I would." I replied as my phone started to ring. Suddenly the realization hit me, I just spent the night with Parker Adessi. My mom was going to ground me for life.

Parker grabbed my phone and hit answer. My eyes widened in horror. That was probably my mom, and Parker just answered.

"Hello?" Parker asked, it was obvious in his voice he had just woken up.

"Sure she's here. Don't worry I'll tell her. Yes. She's right under me actually you could probably talk to her yourself. Me? Oh I'm Parker. Parker Adessi, maybe you know of me?"

I could hear screaming on the other end of the phone.

I snapped out of my horror induced trance and grabbed the phone, "mom I can explain!" I yelped.

"Mom? Who are you calling mom. This is Grace. Grace Kelly, maybe you know of me." She replied.

"Oh god, even worse."

"Now now, none of that. So I'm guessing your modeling training session went well, considering you just slept with him."

"I slept in his bed, on accident, I did not... You know... Frickle frackle with him."

Parker started laughing, which Grace obviously heard over the phone.

"He's still there?"

"He won't get off me."

"Alright... so how did you accidentally sleep in his bed?"

"I fell asleep without meaning too. And the session went bad, I'm now on crutches."

"How could I expect anything different? Look if you actually have sex with him call me."

"I will not! Parker is an ass, I'm not doing that with him."

"I'm still here, Goldie, you hurt my feelings." Parker interrupted.

"He has a nickname for you? How did that happen?" Grace demanded.

The whole two conversations at once thing was giving me a head ache. It was too early for this.

"Grace I've got to go, I'll call you back later."

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