Chapter 2

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Hoseok looked straight ahead at the passing countryside, deciding not to notice the way Taehyung's skin stretched over the bones of his hand in a way that was weirdly attractive. Hoseok was a hand guy, and Taehyung had big hands. Sue him.

"Anyway, the Kim Bed and Breakfast is probably the best place that we have to stay in town." Taehyung tilted his head. "The only place, really. So I'm sure you'll like it!"

The only place to stay? What kind of desolate wasteland had Yoongi sent him to? Hoseok decided not to voice any of this, though it did worry him a little. Unplugged, he reminded himself. This was what he needed.

"It'll be nice, at least. I've been really needing the excuse to get away."

"Oh?" Taehyung glanced over at him. "Where are you from?"

It was almost refreshing, in a way, to be asked things like this. Hoseok hadn't been asked this since he'd made it big, at least, not by people who hadn't already frantically googled him in preparation of an interview.

"Originally? Gwangju. But I've been in Seoul for the past, huh. I guess the past ten years or so."

"Really? What do you do?"

" in entertainment."

"Ohhh." Taehyung paused, and Hoseok was afraid that he was going to catch on to something, but he just continued speaking, "I've heard that's a hard industry to get into, and even harder to stay in. I can see why you need a break then. You'll definitely get one, for sure. Don't worry, almost nothing happens here. Nothing exciting, anyway. But the stars are beautiful when you go out and look at them at night, better than anything you'd get in the city, and the two restaurants in town have some of the best food I've ever tasted. Almost as good as my mom's. It might not be all that interesting to you, considering that you've been in Seoul for so long but..." Taehyung trailed off, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel. "I love it here."

There was a certain sincerity in Taehyung's voice that made Hoseok know that he meant it. He hadn't heard anyone speak so sincerely about something so simple in such a long time. It was almost a breath of fresh air.

Yoongi had been right. He really had needed this. He was only one conversation into this vacation, and he could already feel himself actually beginning to relax some, even though his car had a flat tire and he was riding in the truck of a total stranger, and he was definitely going to have to deal with that some time soon.

This vacation had only just begun, and the very beginning of it was terrible. But well, maybe...maybe once he got his tire fixed, not everything would be so bad.

They decided to go see about Hoseok's reservations, confirming them first and then whether or not the owners of Kim's Bed and Breakfast were going to be able to help Hoseok in any way with his flat tire situation.

Kim's Bed and Breakfast was a cute, Western style house painted robin's egg blue. It had a lush garden, full of flowers and bushes that Hoseok was pretty sure that he had never seen before. They lined the stone walkway up to the red front door, which Taehyung opened with no hesitation.

"Hello?" he called. "Hyungs? Jeongguk?"

"Who is it?" Hoseok heard a voice call back.

"It's Taehyung, and an actual paying customer."

Taehyung smiled at Hoseok, as though this was all very funny. And Hoseok supposed that it was, because he smiled back.

"A paying customer?" the voice said, coming closer. "Well. That's a good thing."

If Hoseok had thought Taehyung was handsome, he had nothing on the guy that walked up to the front desk. Hoseok had half a mind to ask if he had ever modelled before, that was how gorgeous he was. Was there something in the water around here? Did Yoongi send him here so that he could be surrounded by hot guys at every turn? Honestly, it was starting to feel like that.

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