Chapter 16

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“Noona?” he heard Taehyung repeat quietly, in confusion.

“Jung Hoseok,” Taeyeon said, after regathering her composure. She spared a look at her wife, before turning to Hoseok again. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“I’ll say. I didn’t think, I mean...” Hoseok trailed off, and frowned.

Taeyeon laughed at his expression. “Surprise?”

“I mean, I knew that you retired after you got married, but I didn’t realize...” Hoseok trailed off.

Taeyeon waved a hand. She placed her other hand on the top of her baby’s tiny blue polka dot hat. “Most people don’t know that I’m here, no. I like it that way.”

“I can see why.”

They let that pass between them, before Taeyeon started speaking again. “So. Hoseok, this is my wife Juhyun. Juhyun, this is an old dongsaeng of mine from a long time ago, Hoseok.”

“Oh,” Juhyun said, nodding slowly, as if it was dawning on her where Taeyeon and Hoseok might have known each other from. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you and-” she paused.

Hoseok caught on immediately. “This is Taehyung friend.

“Hi!” Taehyung called, and waved. “It’s nice to meet you both...noonas?”

Juhyun smiled softly. “If Hoseok and unnie know each other, then you can definitely call us noona. It’s fine.”

Taehyung smiled, ridiculously naturally charming. “I’m glad then.”

“I’m staying with him for a while,” Hoseok explained needlessly, when there was a gap in the conversation. “I’m taking a little bit of a...vacation.”

“Mhm.” Taeyeon said. She knew instantly what he meant, even when Taehyung and his friends didn’t. Of course she did. “I did see that Dispatch article.” She looked down at her son. “I don’t miss things like that, for sure.”

Hoseok grimaced. “Yes. It was definitely not. Great.”

“Well, I’m not going to lecture you. I, more than anyone, know that it’s okay to take a break every once in a while, and to make mistakes, even when you...have a job as intense as the one we had.” She paused. “Anyway, meet our tiny one. He’s only eight months old, and his name is Minhyun. We love him very much.”

“He’s so cute,” Taehyung said, almost aggressively enthusiastic about it. He held out his hand, and Minhyun wrapped his finger around Taehyung’s finger in response. “How are you doing, Minhyunnie?”

Minhyun blew a spit bubble at him. Everyone laughed, and the tension was broken then.

Taehyung talked with Taeyeon and Juhyun about the baby, and Hoseok knew he was charming them as easily as he breathed. Hoseok found himself a little envious of that ability, of the way that Taehyung was able to take something awkward and spin it into something wonderful.

“It was really nice meeting you, Taehyung,” Taeyeon said, once they’d all talked themselves out. Minhyun really was a cute kid, and totally worth taking the five minutes out of their day to discuss him. “And good seeing you again, Hoseok.” Juhyun was already pushing the cart forward, waving her own good-byes, when Taeyeon hesitated for a second, the contemplation clear on her face, before she turned to Hoseok again.

“You’ll be fine,” she said finally, and Hoseok knew from her face that she really meant that. “I’m rooting for you, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Whatever you decide to do...just know that, okay? I know it can feel really lonely sometimes, but it’s not.”

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