Chapter 26

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I’m just going to go back to the bed and breakfast to wait for you, alright. We don’t...we don’t have to leave until tomorrow morning, if you want to stay here for just one more night.”

“Thanks, hyung,” Hoseok said, and he needed to hang up for real now. He couldn’t handle everyone being so nice to him, not when he felt as though the slightest breeze was going to cause him to tear into two pieces.

Taeyeon didn’t even hide the fact that she had been listening to the entire conversation. She was looking at him in the rearview mirror when Hoseok hang up the phone. Hoseok met her gaze in the mirror, and then away again, not wanting to see in vivid detail how red his eyes were.

“You have to go back to Seoul?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t want anyone else to be bothered by having my fans here,” Hoseok mumbled.

“But you could just have someone else film something in Seoul and post it on your social media or something, right? As proof?”

“I could, but. I don’t feel right lying about it. And I don’t want to risk someone finding out and getting in the middle of another scandal.”

Taeyeon frowned. “I guess you’re right. I just hate you having to leave like this.”

“Me too,” he said, and cleared his throat before the lump there grew even larger. “So, where’s Minhyun?”

Taeyeon began talking about their sitter, as if she knew that Hoseok needed something to listen to, even if he didn’t respond. Juhyun joined in the conversation too, when it became apparent that Hoseok didn’t have anything to add, and Hoseok appreciated them trying so hard.

They faded into the background as Hoseok just looked out the window. He wished that he could commit everything to memory, but it was already dark and just getting darker in the winter sky, so he wouldn’t remember most of it.

Hoseok wasn’t entirely sure how long they drove around, until Juhyun turned into Taehyung’s long gravel driveway.

“Thank you, noonas,” Hoseok told them, once Juhyun had parked.

Taeyeon turned to face him again. “It’s no problem. And if you need anything, just give me your phone and I’ll give you my number. Fighting, Hoseok-ah.”

“Fighting,” Hoseok responded listlessly as he gave Taeyeon her phone. He watched as Taeyeon programed her number and smiled at him again.

He smiled back, as much as he could, and began walking towards the front door.

Taehyung opened the door before Hoseok could even knock.

They looked at each other for a long moment. Hoseok drank in every feature on Taehyung’s dear face, as if it was the last time he’d see it.

It wasn't, but he couldn't help the way everything suddenly became tinged with desperation.

Taehyung must have felt it too, because he reached out and crushed Hoseok against his chest.

“Are you really going to leave tonight?” Taehyung asked against Hoseok’s hair. His hand was stroking Hoseok’s face, and then his arm, and then his back. It was like he wanted to feel all of Hoseok, even with how close they were already.

“Hyung said that we could stay until tomorrow morning,” Hoseok said into Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung’s arms tightened around him.

It was a small, barely noticeable movement, but it’s what finally drove Hoseok over the edge. He pulled away from Taehyung to look at him again, before crushing their mouths together.

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