Forty Six

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I'm in Diana's class when Jackson texts me saying Abby just scheduled with Eggplant to meet today. A rush goes through my body as I feel us getting closer to catching her. Abby is falling and she doesn't even know.

I only got one more note from her this week, one saying, 'you have proof, now it's on your hands if she goes to jail or not, stinky.'

It's actually on your hands, you fucker.

I text Mr. Harris, saying I'm not feeling well, and that I might have a cold. He says it's fine, that he'll get Kyle to or his nephew to cover for me and wishes me a fast recovery.

He is so nice I almost feel guilty for lying.

As the bell rings, I force myself to get out of her classroom with nothing but a quick smile to meet with Jackson outside. I feel anxious, excited and nervous, which overall makes my heart beat super fast on my chest.

"Are you ready?" he asks as I put Josephine on his trunk.

"Yeah. I just have to get some things at home."

He nods and I can't help but look towards Abby, only to see her staring at me. Our eyes meet, and she smiles.

I smile back, a cold feeling running down my spine.

It feels like I've never really known her. Her smiles seem empty, her eyes manipulative and her words full of second intentions. She feels cold and distant. It makes me wonder if I was blind this whole time, but Jackson trusted her too.

What an evil fucker.

I chill at Jackson's the whole afternoon after that - and by chill I mean I anxiously pace around his living room as he checks on Abby's location.

"Do you wanna make a hole on my rug? Mom will kill you," he says, looking up from his phone.

I ignore his comment. She would never. "Is she still home?"

"Yes, as she was five minutes ago." He sighs, "do you want to play something?"

I know he's only trying to distract me, and maybe I do need a distraction, or else I'll drive myself crazy.


He plays with me, checking on his phone from time to time, but it's only long after the sun has set and we've had dinner that Jackson's phone lights up.

"Let's go," he says.

"Where are you two going?" his mom says, hands on her hips as she looks us up and down.

"Spencer wants to take pictures of the sky, so we're driving to the lake," he says, the lie rolling effortlessly off his tongue.

Andrea looks at us and the silence stretches just a second too long - just enough to make me think she knows we're up to no good - but she nods.

"Okay. Be careful, and don't forget you still have classes tomorrow."

"Yes, mom," he says, quickly getting his keys and making his way to his car.

Jackson hands me his phone, speeding towards Abby's car as I guide him through town. We twist and turn, Jackson going as fast as he can while Abby keeps herself ahead of us.

"Wait, she's slowing down," I say, resting the phone on my thigh and taking mom's camera from my backpack. "Turn... left."

We enter a familiar long street that goes upward. My street.

We exchange looks, and Jackson speeds enough to keep her car in our line of vision.

Abby's car stops, and Jackson stops a few feet up on the other side of the street as I raise the camera up to my face.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now