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November 30, 2150 (31 Days left)

Ochaco..... Ochaco...... Ochaco!!!!!!

"Huh? *Yawn* what happened?" Ochaco was confused on what's happening

"You overslept again Kero." Tsuyu said

"I did? What today is it?" Said Ochaco

"It's Monday... Its school today but good thing i woke you up since we're almost late. I thought you we're sleeping on your table but i guess not. " Tsuyu explained

"Oh School... Wait....... AWW CRAP TODAY ARE EXAMS!!!!" Ochaco panicked out of realization

"Yup Kero. Did you study?" Tsuyu asked

"I did actually, I'm glad i did otherwise i would have been toast. Anyways i should prepare now thanks Asui." Ochaco's relief made her calm and focused

"No problem Kero." Tsuyu left her to prepare her morning activity

5 minutes later

"Now where is that list? I could of sworn I put i somewher-" Ochaco was mumbling while something disturbed her

"U-um...Uraraka-san? Can i come in?" Her classmate asked going to Ochaco's Room

"Ah yes.. Come in." Ochaco allowed her classmate to go inside

"U-uh... Its locked." The classmate was hesitant at first but asked again for an entry

"Oh yeah.... I'll get it!!! Now what do i need to get him for this christma-" Ochaco reached for the door but

"Good Morning Uraraka-san." Deku greeted her

"AHH!! D-deku-kun?!! What are you doing here?!" Ochaco jolted out of embrassment

"Well.... I just wanted to say that breakfast is ready so we can go take our exams later." Deku stated

"Oh I'll be right there just finishing up some things if that's alright hehe." Ochaco said

"I see. Well see you later Uraraka-san. Good luck on our Exams." Deku said

"O-okay Deku-kun. Good luck as well."
Ochaco said back to him

"O-oh uhh... Thanks." Deku said while leaving and being flustered

Ochaco locked her door and was relieved "Phew... That was a close one. I can't let Deku see this. This is a surprise afterall."

While that fiasco had ended, she prepared her stuff for today and went downstairs to eat with her classmates. Her day is mixed up today but what's important is her surpirse to her admirer. Maybe even lover.

" So...... Aren't you going to tell him? " Mina persuaded to Ochaco for the truth

"No not yet. It just doesn't feel the right time to tell him." Ochaco admitted

"Seriously? Stop wasting your time and tell him now. It's now or never." Mina provoked to her

"I know but i have a plan." Ochaco said

"Ooooo... And what is it?" Mina asked

"You'll see. But for now we need to study." Ochaco avoided her question but instead finessed with an objective to clear

"Hmph... Fine....." Mina failed to counter back on the conversation

On the other side

"So what happened dude? Did she do something good or bad?" Kaminari was persuading Deku because they asked him to say Good Morning to Ochaco

31 Days (My Hero Academia/Izuocha) -Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now