♡ 9

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Minji is doing her work in the living room while Taerin make some crepe cakes. She craves for it so much. Not to mention the café too. Minho won't allow her to work and that's upsetting. "Minji, mommy made some cake do you want me to bring it for you?" Taerin shouted from the kitchen, turning her gaze to Minji. The little girl nodded. Taerin smiled as she sit next to Minji, placing the plate on table. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making a portrait." Minji answered as she smiled.

"Oh, that is Honey! Mommy, daddy Minji and... who's that one?" Taerin asked, pointing at the drawing she made. It looks, indescribable. Only Minji knew what it is. "Hmm I don't know but it's nice." Minji said, as she take a bite of the cake. That was honestly creeping Taerin out. It looks like a person but with a very subtle sketch. What even is this girl doing she thought?

"You don't know?"

"I don't but maybe it's close. Mommy this cake is good." She said excitedly. Taerin nodded, still creeped out by her actions. "Oh god Lee Minho we have something to do." Taerin sighs.

"I'm not lying you- come here Minho let me show you." Taerin yelled as she dragged Minho along with her. He just got back from work but he just follow his wife dragging him or he would get beaten up for sure if he refuse to. "Where is it?" Minho asked.

Taerin slowly open the door revealing Minji who is sleeping on her pink bed. "Wait a second." Taerin reached for the drawing book Minji used earlier. "This. Take a look." Taerin said, pointing at the drawing. "Don't you think this is creepy? I freaked out! She said that this thing is close. What does that mean? Close to us?" Taerin sighs as she stomp out of the room. Minho follows her, shutting the door quietly he crosses his arms. "She's still a kid. She imagines a lot there's nothing to be curious of."

"You take things very lightly these days. You promised me to protect our family but whenever I tell you something, 'oh there's nothing to worry about.' and that would be your response. Why? Is it because you're focusing on someone else?" Taerin yelled back. They are always fighting and she hates that. Taerin just couldn't help it but to call out his irresponsible self. "If it's because of Hanna then go. Just go and fucking marry or whatever you want to do with her. I don't care. Let me just take care of Minji alone because there's no use if you don't even care about your own child." Taerin walks to their room.

Minho was taken aback by her words. Just to think how tired he is right now, with overload works coming home to Taerin yelling again. "I care about Minji and you have no rights to tell me what I feel. Come on Taerin aren't you tired yelling at me?"

"I won't yell at you if you didn't annoy the shit out of me." Taerin said she pick up the blanket and a pillow. "Move." Taerin ordered, walking out of the room refusing to sleep with him. She's just too mad he won't hear her out again. "I won't go to the stupid appointment again. If you force me I will hit you for real." She said, turning her back before leaving the scene. Minho sighs as he watch Taerin entering Minji room probably sleeping there. "Taerin what the hell?"

Minho quickly make his way to Minji's room as he drag Taerin out of there. He was kind of rough and that scares her. Minho shut the door, almost slamming it. He drag Taerin to their bedroom. "Why are you so ―" he stopped talking as he slam her body to the wall, staring at her face. She couldn't read his eyes. "What?" Taerin pick up the braveness. If he wants to argue, she's up. "How often do you want to fight with me, huh? Brat." Taerin said.

Minho was taken aback by her words. It's like meeting her for the first time. Rude ass Kim Taerin. "You fucking need a therapist."

Taerin gritted her teeth, slightly hurt by his words. Why is he acting so damn rude and annoying this evening? "I do. I do, Minho. Maybe it's you who has mentally damaged me. I fucking hate you. You know I shouldn't have wake up from comma years ago. I should have died. I don't wanna live like this. If my presence cause burden to you. What's the point? " Taerin fold her arms, walking out of the room. Minho sighs in annoyance. He went too far for saying that to her of course Taerin was hurt. It's a sensitive topic to talk about.

"You always complain about me. I know I'm annoying but I wouldn't be that delusional." Taerin cried while walking down the stairs. "If you don't love me anymore just say it. Don't drop hints like that. It hurts me." She continued.

And at that sight, Minho broke down in silence as he shut the door, leaning his back against it.

And at that sight, Minho broke down in silence as he shut the door, leaning his back against it

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hello omg im so busy again i will update again tomorrow... i guess<3 how is everyone i hope you're all doing fine mwahz anyway stream back door to 100M 

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