Page 2 | "We met again,huh?" |

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*•.3-rd persons P.O.V.•*

"WAKE UP DUMBASSES!" Bakugo yelled from the leaving room while taking his coat. Everyone went downstairs. "Whaaaat?!" Mina yelled annoyed a bit. "I'm going for a fucking coffee! I was gonna ask do y'all want something?! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORW I BEAT YA ALLS ASS!" Bakugo shouted. "Late-" Kirishima said "HOT CHOCOLATE!" Denki and Mina yelled happily. "Pumpkin Late :/ " Sero said. Bakugo nodded and went out of the house closing the door after himself.

-At the Cofè shop-

The male entered the shop and looked around.
Shoto was giggling with Momo while making a coffee for a boy who was trying to flirt with him.Bakugo tapped the males
|who was flirting with the shorter male |shoulder and he turned to face him "What?" The unknowing person said. "This is a shop..not a bar. Take your shirt and get off of my sigh." Bakugo said with a rough voice and the Male toke his coffee and left the shop. "Thank you so much sir! What would you like today?" The was is familiar. He looked at the shorter male and said

"We met again,huh?"

The short male looked into his eyes and choked. "Y-You?! The hot guy from the strip club?!" He whispered to Bakugo. The taller male chuckled "Hot ,huh?~" Shoto blushed a bit. "I-just answer!" Shoto shunted his eyes for a second trying to hide his embarrassment." Yes, yes I am. And what are you doing here?" Bakugo questioned. "Isn't it obvious? I work here Sherlock!" Shoto rolled his eyes and crossed arms. "Sho-Sho~! What's the order?" Momo yelled from the back." What would you like? " "you?" Bakugo looked closely into his eyes and smirked while Shoto was a blushing mess . "A pumkin late , late , back coffee and two hot chocolates" Bakugo said with his rough-deep voice and Shoto almost melted in front of him. Momo walked towards Shoto and said. What are you taking so lo- Oooh- is this the guy you were waiting to call you?" Momo whispered at Shoto. "Sh-shut uuup! Here !" Shoto give her the paper where are the orders. "Be back in 8 minutes" Momo said and left to make them. Shoto sighed and looked down " Are you free tomorrow?" Bakugo asked him on a date but it seems like Shoto didn't notice. "Today is Friday so- yes I guess.." He looks away and rub the back of his neck. "Your orders sir." Momo give him his orders. "Great." He was about to leave when when Shoto said "W-Will you come today..? " "if you do ,please take the girl with the pink hair !" Momo winked at him and smiled brightly. Bakugo smirked and said with his usual deep voice and chucked  "We will see about it" Shoto fall down and he was waving with his hand for air. Momo started laughing at Shoto when Bakugo just chuckled and went out of the store back to his place.

-night time 10:45-
The Bakusquad was getting ready to leave , Bakugo knew that at 11 was Todoroki's ,,show'' so he wanted to surprise him. They all went in Bakugo's car. They all were singing and chatting.
When they arrived it was 10:54 pm.


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