Page 6 | Jealousy ? |

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{Just a little NAFW ;>}

*•.Shoto's P.O.V.•*

I woke up by my alarm. But it quickly went quit. I half opened my eyes to see Bakugo sitting on my bed rubbing his eyes. "The fuck..? Why this shit is so fucking loud..jeez..." I sat up next to him. "Morning Bakugo-kun." I rubbed my eyes with my hand and he give me a quick kiss on the lips. "Morning princess." He sat up and got dressed. I was just sitting there without moving.. my face was getting hot. I don't know why he is doing this knowing that we are not even dating! We are just..friends? I'm confused about our relationship/friendship. I heard Momo yelling from downstairs. "WAKE THE UP SHOTO! WE HAVE WORK!" I fall off the bed and rushed to the bathroom to go through my morning routine. Bakugo was just staring at me confused. I got dressed and went down. She was making my usual breakfast. Yogurt and some fresh fruits. Bakugo was behind me fixing his hair. We saw Denki and Shinso coming. For some reason Denki's legs we're trembling. Then Sero and Yukine walked in. Mina was hugging Momo from behind while she was making pancakes for them. My boss told me I should loose some pounds so I wasn't gonna eat so much. We saw how Denki was walking and started laughing while Shinso was with his hands in his pockets and was chuckling. "S-stop! It's not funny!" Denki puffed his cheeks when Shinsou just kissed his neck from behind and sat on the kitchen table next to me. "Sooo.. Are ya all dating?" I asked and looked at everyone. "We should ask the same about you and Bakugo to be honest." Sero said while holding Yukine on his lap and cuddling. I blushed lightly and looked at bakugo. "We are just friends. And plus he said he need a month , so I'm teasing him." My mouth widen. "Really Katsuki?!" I asked. "From when do you call me by my name half'n'half?!" He chuckled a bit and got closer. I pushed his slightly and momo handed my my breakfast. "Thank you Momo." I smiled at her and bakugo backed off. "No problem Sho-Sho~" She said and kissed Mina. I smiled and said "I feel fucking loneeelyy!" Everyone started laughing at me.

They all left the house and me and Momo went to work. In our Cafè there were a lot of cute boys. They all were flirting and stuff ,but I can't stop thinking about Bakugo.. Momo waved her hand in front of me "Shoto Todoroki?" She said. "Don't call my last name. You know I hate it so much.." she sighed and nodded. In the Cafè walked Bakugō and a boy.. the boy was tall and so handsome. They walked towards me and smiled. "Hey icyhot , this is my cousin. Haru."I smiled at Haru and he winked at me. I blushed a bit and toke my pen and sticky notes. "W-What would you like?" I asked. "Black coffe" Bakugo said and I wrote it down. "Hot Late please, thank you cutie~" I wrote it down blushing. Bakugo looked at me with his death look and showed my his index finger to get closer. I went closer to him and he pressed his lips on mine. I kissed back..the kiss was full of lust. I liked it. I pulled away and walked away winking at him.

After some minutes I give them there orders and smiled. "Your orders sir" Bakugo gave me the money for his coffee. Then Haru did. On the back of the paper money was a a pice of paper.. it was his number. I waved to them for bye and went to Momo.

The day went okay.. I headed home and got my stuff ready for the club. Today I had a special show. My boss will be watching me with some other males who were gonna come. I was nervous to be honest.

I got ready and called Bakugo.

The call

B : Yo, what's up?

S : I was just gonna ask if you are gonna come tonight. Will you?

B : Of course. I'll bring the idiots with me.

S : Great ! See ya there !

B : See ya babe~

End of the call

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