Page 7 | I want him.. |

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*•.Shoto's P.O.V.•*

I woke up and saw that I haven't even changed from last night. God damn it- This boy is driving me crazy! I remembered what happened in the car and blushed.
"Ah shit- I GAVE HIM A BLOW JOB ?!" My face turned bright pink close to red. I sighed and got up.

-After 30 minutes-

I was done and head down to the living room and saw Momo drinking tea. She turned around and I give her a strange look."Aren't we going to work today?!" She giggled and toke a sip from her tea and looked back at me. "Noup. The boss told me that we have two days off." My eyes shined and sat next to her. "LETS GO SHOPING!" I shouted. She chuckled "Sure!" Was the only thing she said. "NOW!NOW!NOW!" I cheered. "Nah. It's so early in the morning. Maybe at 2:30 PM ?" I just nodded. "Oh and Mina told me that after 3 days Your boyfriend will turn 22" she said and toke another sip from her tea. "AAAAAH! I DONT KNOW WHAT HE LIKES!" I started panicking as Momo was just laughing at me. " Give him your body~" I looked at Momo after she said that and I was about to punch her when we heard the doorbell. Fuyumi got down the stairs and opened the door. When she did got here?! Nvm..

"Hello! You must be Momo's girlfriend!" Fuyumi said as Momo blushed. It was Mina. After my sister welcomed her in she maid her way towards us. She gave Momo a spider man kiss and sat next to her. "So. What are you thinking to get for Bakugo's birthday?" I blushed a lot and looked down. "Eto..I don't know what to get him-" I said still looking down and playing with my fingers. "Uu~ Someone is nervous~" Momo said as I said 'shush' to her. "He likes the colours Orange and Black. Umm. And the smallest things are making him more happy then you think." Mina said. I didn't really know him- it's been like two/three weeks since we met. I felt my cheeks heating up and patted them to calm down. "You both are free till 8 PM right?" The pinkish girl said. "Um,yeah. Why?" Momo looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Well. I'll help Shoto with his present for our Pomeranian. Wanna go to the mall?" "Yeah! that sound great!" I got exited. Momo higgled at me and let out a little 'hmph' sound.

-little time skip | At the mall |-

"So. What you have in your mind?" Mina asked me calmly as he was holding hands with Momo. "Maybe a watch? Ooor a hoodie? I'm gonna steal it but anyways-" I said and mumbled the last part so they won't hear it. "Oh- Yeah actually he doesn't have one tho! Bravo!" Min an said and smiled brightly at me.
We were dressed nice and cough a lot of attention from the people there. We went to the most expensive watch store and buy one. I decided to make it the way I want it. It toke a little while but the watch was so pretty. It had '𝐾𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑖' writes with dark shade of orange on the left side and on the other a Orange X. "Woah- Broo! Good ,that's awesome! Next?" Mina asked as Momo just stared at the watch. "Thank you! And I don't really know." I said simply and shrugged. "Sho- HIW much did you give for this-.."Momo looked at me with her eyes widen. "5,667 dollars" Mina's eyes widen too and they both let out a surprised "Eeeh?!" I giggled a bit and waved my hand. "Let's go for the other gifts."

We went to different stores it was almost 7 PM. Yes. We spend a lot of time.. but we had found some cool gifts. Like a real training granite, it's doesn't explode it's just for training. A hoodie with his name on the back.
𝘬ꪖ𝓽𝘴ꪊ𝘬𝓲 乃卂Ҝㄩᘜㄖ
It was written with some wired shapes. But I liked it. Oh- And matching bracelet..I was so unsure about it. But they were cute. It had orange and black on mine. On his were the red and white. I hid them from the girls as we were walking to Mina's car.

She drove us home as we quickly grabbed our dance clothes and went in Mina's car again.

She drives us again and we thanked her, as Momo placed a kiss on her lips. I giggled and went inside. And god who I saw flirting.

"Momo~ C'mon! You are starting in 15 minutes!" I said loud enough for Momo to hear. As I also cough Midoriya's attention. He was sitting on someone's lap I didn't see who. But I didn't care. I got in the changing room and changed to bunny costume and my kid for today was to take orders.

Momo was dancing and I was taking and giving orders. I got to the table that Midoriya was. "Hello~ Welcome~! What would you like today sir?" I looked at the male and it was..


((((BiSh?! Na-Ah!)))

Bakugo.. He was trying to push Midoriya off of him. "Ehem.." I said and he stoped. "Get off of me shitty nerd!" He said and Midoriya looked at me. "You know...You are sitting on my place~" I let out a giggle after saying that and Midoriya got off of him as he walked away. "So, what would you like sir?" "" "I don't see 'you' in the menu. Would you like something else?" I said in a joking way. I felt myself get pulled I shut my eyes tightly. I felt like I sat on something and slowly opened my eyes to see...I was sitting on Bakugo's lap?! "U-um...I have to work.." I felt my cheeks heating up.. and looked away mumbling. "Just a kiss~" he patted his lips with his index finger. I smiled a bit and sat more comfortable on his lap facing the ash-blond. I placed a small kiss on his lips and pulled away. "Not like this.." He pulled me into a slow passionate kiss. I felt like melting..he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and lost my control..I arched my back a bit and shivered feeling his hot tongue inside my mouth.. I don't even remember when I allowed him bit it feels so good. I moved my hips front and back a bit not knowing what I am doing. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly pulled away and I was a panting and blushing mess.. he let out a chuckle and hugged me. I hugged back and calmed myself down. We pulled away from the hug and he gave me another small kiss on the lips , I stand up and he smacked my ass. "A blue monster~" "Uwah- what was that for?!" He rolled his eyes and waved his hand for me to go. I sighed and walked away. I let someone else bring Bakugo's order. My work was almost done. 2 more hours.

-Time Skiiip (me is lazy~)-

"Ah- I'm tired~!" Momo said as I lighted a cigarette. We were waiting for Fuyumi to come and pick us up. "How did ya ended up smoking?" She asked me nicely. I blowed the smoke and looked at her. "My brother loved the smoke and he give me one to try and I liked it."

Fuyumi picked us up and drive home. I felt like I was gonna fall asleep walking so I just got in my room and changed. YEeT myself on the bed and fall asleep.

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