Page 4 | The date?! |

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*•. Shoto's P.O.V.•*

The sunlight woke me up. It was so bright! Ugh! "I wanna sleeeeeeeeeeep!" I trowed the pillow on my face and rolled around my king sized bed. I checked my phone. It was 1:26 PM. WHAT?! Why the fuck I sleep so much- Never mind. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I toke off my clothes and turned on the hot water, while I was in shower I blushed my teeths.

-after 1 hour-

Wait- Today is the day?! "MOMO!" I yelled.She walked in my room after about a minute or two. "You awake finally!" Her neck was all over with hickeys, her legs were a bit shaking so I know what they have done. I sighed "today I'll be going to hang out with Katsuki. Waaay should I wear?!" She started laughing. "Boi! He asked you on a date! Not a hang out!" She continued laughing and opened my closet. I already hand my boxers on but I will was with the towel around me. "Hmm. Try this one" I went in the bathroom and changed into it. "No-" she gave me another one to try and I did as she said "No!" I tried on some other ones and she didn't like it. I tried the last one on.. "OMFG YESSS!" She shouted. "Quite!" She stoped and sat on my bed. "What kind of a make up will you put on?" I hummed and said " Maybe pink eye shores with some medium sized eyeliner , and sparkling lipgloss?" She smiled "that sound so sweet!" We won't downstairs and eat some fruits salad. We were chatting for a while it was 5:46. "Let's go upstairs and talk there while I'm doing my make up?" She nodded and we walked back upstairs. I sat in front of the mirror and toke out the makeup palette that I will be using , the eyeliners ,blush ,highlight and the lipgloss. I started to put on my make up while chatting with Momo , time passed it was 6:23 PM. I couldn't wait any longer ! I put on some small butterfly hairpins on my hair to look more ''cute,, . I put on my choker and just talked with Momo till the time comes.

-after 32 mins-

We heard a knocking. Momo went down stairs and opened the door revealing someone I slowly went downstairs. It was Bakugo. Damn he was hot- I looked like a child.



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I slowly walked towards him with my hands behind myself and he looked at me

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I slowly walked towards him with my hands behind myself and he looked at me. When he saw Momo he had his usual angry face..but now it's soft.. he smiled a bit and ruffled my hair full with the butterfly hairpins. I giggled and he showed his hand so I can hold it. And I did it..I hold his hand. He locked our fingers and I said bye to Momo before leaving. He opened the car door for me and I went in. He got to the other side and also went in. My hands were on my thighs and I was kinda shaking. I was so exited.. he slowly put my hand on the navigation and his hand was on top of mine we locked our fingers .. he didn't say a word, he was just looking at the road and driving. I smiled at him and slowly got comfortable with it. We arrived to a fancy restaurant , we got out of the car and hold hands again. We got inside and a beautiful women greeted us. She showed us our table. Bakugo pulled my chair so I can sit as I did he sat on his , in front of me. "B-Bakugo.. what is t-this place?" I questioned "And when did you made the reservation?!" I whisper yelled. He just chuckled. "Be great-full I never have done this to anyone else! And I made it right after you said yes." He looked at his menu so did I , i was a blushing mess again. He ordered himself some kind of pasta I ordered a slice of cake and spaghetti. We are talking and laughing..I never had this before. It was awesome! I don't wanted to end !
"Aaah! No! I don't do it with any client! That's disgusting!" I said and he laughed. "Even with me?" I rolled my eyes and said "Eh- don't come so you won't be a client" I said in a flirty way. He chuckled and looked my straight in the eyes "Does that mean you are not a Virgin?" I started laughing and so did he. " I'm not! I lost it last year." He looked at me "How?" "Well- I though I was in love with this guy, but he just wanted to smash me. I allowed him aand- I wish I didn't." I looked at my plate. " Those guys this days are awful-" He said and raised my chin. I smiled at him and we continued to talk about other things . It was 8:45, we got up and left. "Where are we going? " I asked him quietly. "Somewhere." It was quite till we roaches the place. He opened his back of the car (idk how to say it or what's the name ;-;) I got out of the car. He sat inside of it I sat next to him and looked up, the stars were beautiful.. it was spring. They were a lot some of them were making shakes. He pointed at some stars making the butterfly form and I gasped quietly then giggled. "The shake is here every night. That's why we are here." I smiled and toke out two butterflies from my hair. I walked to the closes tree and putted one there then I went back and putted the other on Bakugo's hair , I smiled and sat on his lap. He wrapped arms around my waist and hold me closer. He played some music from his phone and hold me was the song "Perfect,, again.. "Is this our song now..?" He smiled a bit. "Yeah." Was the only thing he said. We cuddled for some time, his head was down snuggling close to my cheat and I was playing with his hair. He raised his head and looked at me I looked back kinda confused. He got closer to my face , my eyes were half open , I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly. Then.

He kissed me slowly..passionately and softly.. I kissed back. His lips were soft and tasted like white wine. We slowly pulled away and looked at echo other. I blushed and just hugged him, he hugged me back and said. "Time to go home kitten." I smiled and looked at him once again. "Okay..!" I got off of him and went on the car so did he. He drove me home and we were holding hands the whole time in the car. After we arrived at my house I opened the car door about o leave and say bye then he stoped and kisses me. I kissed back and pulled away after some seconds.. short but soft. I smiled and waved for bye as I saw him drive off. My sister opened the door and jumped on me hugging me. "How was your date?" I sighed and hugged her back. "Good..just


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