Im Sorry...
How awful a person can say that to another one that they are friends with. Listen to there story people may take things differently then you. Of course I had to learn the hard way... but nevermind me. LISTEN to their story you may say something as a joke, but they may not know that its supposed to be, because you may end up losing an important friend in your life. Im sorry is what you should say... until someone started the thing to say it as a lie (I HATE YOU WHO EVER THAT IS) Today in our society they dont take the two simple words of "Im sorry" that easily now. You got to do everything to mean it, send her/him a paragraph explaining you didnt mean it like that. How heart breaking that you have hurt someones feelings like that, the feeling of guilt anger and hatred towards yourself its a constant pain in your heart. It will never go away until youve had the approval of your sorry from that person. That feeling is what most people are going through when theyve done something wrong, its tormenting, its like the feeling of being impaled by someone you care about, its Evil....
Im immature for sure ive earned, lost and destroyed the trust of others around me, its a bad habit something I need to work on (even though capricorne is the one you should always trust and count on ). Its hard im a guy according to my teacher guys dont mature as fast as girls. It bugs me Ive always wanted to see how a girl takes a look at life with all her dislikes likes and feelings.I want to no what they are thinking so I can get to the closest thing as relation to them so I can finally understand what theyre going through and how I can help. The person you have to say sorry to wont tell you what the problem is you got to find out yourself. ("How can I ever understan you if you wont tell me anything"?) Thats all I want to do to help the people close to me and i dont mean holding a door for a friend or stranger i mean to help them with their stress life problems etc. Jokes laughter im not mature enough to understand what your going through.. probably because the way i deal with stress is through laughter the only thing that distracts me from some of my life problems. But as I understand now not all people take all situations or relationships as a joke, (friends, family other loved ones). I also realized that other people dont deal with their problems the same way, some may cry, scream at the top of their lungs or just even ignore it, but either way you should be the one saying "IM SORRY"!
Last Chapter is devoted to The most outstanding person that came in to my life <3 <3