27 - C L A S S

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"he's lying professor!"

I was better and had the energy to walk thankfully. There was still a cut on my cheek. Tom and I were going back to Hogwarts but on a muggle train. Surprisingly, the man who kidnapped me, took me to a muggle town, hoping no one would find them.

Once we did get inside the train, Riddle threw disgusted looks everywhere the momment he stepped in. It wasn't crowded or anything, only a few muggles were sitting on the seats.

I sat down softly away from where the people were sitting, so did Tom.

It was a bright silence at first, but I started talking.

"are you going to tell me what the bloody hell just happened?" I barked.

"Stop yelling, i'll explain. The man who took you was Crankly Smith, like your parents said, a few of your parent's rivals escaped Azkaban. Crankly was one of them. No need to worry anymore, he's back at Azkaban."


"how did you know where I was? how did you know who he was?" I questioned

"You think your parents won't give me a backstory to all of this before they hired me?" He mumbled. "They also gave me this map" Riddle pulled a piece of parchment out from his pocket. " It's similar to the Marauder's Map, only that it shows your location all times. It's crazy how your parents have these stuff, they gave me this when I was at your house for winter break." He turned his head to stop talking to me, he definitely was annoyed.

"I'm safe now, right?" I asked even though he wasn't in the mood for talking.

Crankly tried to kill me

"not exactly sure, just be careful next time will you?" Tom stopped making eye contact with me and stared outside the window. "revolting muggle train." He whispered, but loud enough that I could hear.

does he hate muggles that much?


When we both got off the train, Riddle got out a port key from his pocket and we both used it to transport to Hogwarts. The second we arrived there, he started walking away. "I'll tell dumbledore what happened." He declared before he left.

I got inside my common room and found a letter on top of my bed. I embraced my hands towards it and opened it up. It was from my mother.

              Dear y/n

Me and your father just heard about what happened. We are so grateful that you are okay, we are almost 100% sure it's safe for you now, Riddle wouldn't have to protect you anymore but just incase, he will be for the full school year.   Stay good xx
- Mom


Days later, I almost completely forgot about that situation. Ginny nearly passed out after I spoke about my kidnapping, but we moved on, it's not affecting me anymore.


Y/n walked inside of potions class, kind of tired. She sat down next to Tom and began filling in her notes swiftly.

"you write so sloppy" Y/n heard someone hiss next to her.

is he really going to start this now? She thought.

"Riddle, I don't give a fuck, i'm tired of your shit." She barked but a bit too loud.

"Miss y/n and Riddle. I ignore all the, arguing , you two bicker nearly everyday. This is the last straw. Detention." Professor Snape snapped.

Tom shot up in his seat. He never got detention before. "Sir, I don't think it's necessary, you see, y/n always yells at me for even doing a sudden movement. She should be the one having detention, not me."

Y/n scoffed. "he's lying professor! It's the opposite, I swear."

"this is exactly why you two are getting detention, now unless you want the punishment to increase, I suggest you two to be silent."


I glared at Tom. seriously? It's like the 60th time I had detention this year.

bullshit I tell you


I was simply heading to my next class that day. I did see a glance of Tom going somewhere but ignored it. I suddenly swing my head back to his direction realizing he isn't going to class, he was going towards the girls bathroom? Yes that's completely weird but there was one thing, there were two bathrooms for girls, one that everyone uses and the other one was the old broken bathroom.

Why was he going in there?

I wasn't going to follow him, that got me in trouble multiple times. But it was weird, the fact I didn't see him come out a few seconds later of staring. I was getting late so I rushed to my next class still wondering what he was up to.

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