chapter 1 "the party"

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ohhhh I'm so excited for the party today!! I thought I wonder if Levi is gonna be there? I walk up to Levis door and Burst open to see him cleaning the same as usual.

"Hey shorty!" I yelled.

"Tch, there's a thing called knocking shitty glasses" he explained.

"Well where's the fun In that, besides you always barge in my room by kicking the door down" I replied.

"Whatever" he said as he went back to cleaning.

I remembered what I was doing there and said "hey Levi are you gonna go to the party today?"

"Tch, why would I go to a lame party when there is so much paperwork to do and stuff to be cleaned" he replied.

"Well because there fun and it would give you a time to relax" I said sitting on his bed.

"I'll pass" he said putting down his cleaning supplies.

I grabbed onto his arm which made him blush a little bit but I wonder why though, "pleaseeee I don't want to be lonely there" I begged .

"Tch, let go of me shitty glasses, besides isn't moblit and Erwin going just hangout with them" he said.

"Well yeah there going but there not like you" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"You look like a child doing that *sigh* if I go will you take baths more often" he said.

I looked at him rising my eyebrow "well that's a weird request but deal I will, I promise" I say putting my hand on my heart.

He nodded and pushed me out of his room "I'll be ready in a sec go get ready" he said closing the door.

I stared at the door and walked away into my room looking for something to wear. I couldn't find anything so instead I went to the younger cadets specifically Christa. When I went into the hallway I bumped into her which was perfect.

"Hey Christa do you think you can help me find something to wear for the party?" I asked her

"Ofcoarse hanji! I loved too help you" she said as her eyes beamed with excitement.

"Why should you help her she bumped into you and didn't even say sorry" said tall brown haired girl.

"Oh Ymir don't be so mean she obviously didn't mean it besides I don't mind, it happens often" said Christa

Ymir rolls her eyes and walks away, "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to bump into you" I said looking down to the ground.

"Oh don't worry about it like I said it happens alot" she says with a smile, "anyway let's get you a dress" she said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me into her room.

"Ok let's see what I have" she says as she starts rummaging through her closet.

I looked at her then rembered I'm probably not gonna fit in any of her clothes since shes really small like Levi.

"Ok so none of my dresses would fit you...but no big deal I'm pretty sure Sasha has alot of dresses she wouldn't mind if we took one" she said as she went through Sasha's closet.

A few moments later

"Ok I found one!" She pulls out a long blue dress, my eyes beam at it's bueaty.

"It looks great" I said jumping up from my seat. Christa gives me the dress and I go in the bathroom to change. When I came out Christa's mouth drops in aw.

"Wow hanji you look amazing!" She says clapping her hands

I blush at her comment, I've haven't worn a dress in A long time. Then Sasha walks in and raises her eyebrow.

"Ummm?, Hanji why are you wearing one of my dresses I thought you didn't like dresses?" She asks curiously.

"I gave her one to wear to the party today, and I know it's one of your dresses so tommorow I'll give you my potato and bread." Christa says to Sasha

Sasha's eyes beam and she nods her head "oh by the hanji you look amazing in that dress! Have fun at the party" she says as she walks away.

"Well I better get going thank you so much Christa I owe you one" I say to Christa.

"My pleasure if you need help with fashion again I'll be here to help" she says with a smile. I smile back and leave to Levis room.

"Shoot he's gonna be mad I'm late!" I mumble to myself. I reached his door and knocked.

He opens the door and glares at me then notices I'm in a dress and he starts to blush I little bit. "Come on four eyes were late" he says as he walks by.

I smile and follow him, we got to the party and everyone was there. we sat down next Erwin who was drinking shots of whiskey.

"Hey Erwin" I greeted as we sat next to him.

"Hey guys glad y'all can make it, especially you Levi didn't think you would come to a party" he joked.

"Tch whatever I only came because I made a deal with four eyes" he said as he got a drink of tea.

"Oh come on Levi your not gonna get any beer Or anything" I said smiling.

"Fuck no, I'm not trying to get drunk and crazy like y'all" he said drinking his tea.

"Oh come on one glass won't hurt besides, I'll clean alot tommorow if you drink it" I said.

He glared at me and then at the cup, "fine, one glass but that's it" he grabs the glass and chugs it until it was empty.

Me and Erwin cheer at him for taking the glass, Levi didn't appreciate it he gave us a death stare. For me I was chugging down a whole bottle, probably wasn't the best idea since I get drunk easily. I looked over at Levi who was drinking his tea and said "oi Levi, you should drink more your looking a little pale".

He looked at me strangely "the fuck are you talking about, shitty glasses" he said.

I just laughed I was so drunk then I poured acohol in his tea when he wasn't looking. That was a huge mistake because he ended up drinking all the tea and got drunk.

A few hours later

After the party me and Levi went to his room drunk as fuck. I sat on his bed making jokes about him and he just glared and said snarky comments back at me. Then I saw him close up to my face I don't remember much but I remember him kissing me for no reason. Then it got more intense he pushed me onto the bed and we started to make out. This was the part that changed both our live forever....

In the morning

I woke up to the light beaming onto my eyes I turned and groaned until I decided to wake up. My head was killing me but I don't remember anything I put on my glasses and look over to my side to see someone in bed with me..... It was Levi passed out he was completely naked and so was I.... I started to panic inside so I carefully got out of bed, put my clothes on and left the room.

When I got back to my room I put my hands in my hair trying to stay calm. I thought, ok so we did it last night and I don't think he wore protection.... I knew I had to check or it will be bad.
I went into town and purchased a pregnancy test, then went back to my room and used it. A few minutes had passed so I checked the test.....I dropped it and started crying...

It was positive....

(A/n) oop hanji pregnant with Levis child...I hope y'all like it so far I will try to update as soon as possible thank you and goodbye.

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