chapter 5 "my only love"

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Its been a year since me and Levi started going out, everything was perfect I was happy our son was happy and Levi didn't show it but he was happy too.

Lately he's been quiet and has been gone more often, I didn't really care because he was humanitys strongest soldier so he was always busy with Erwin.

Although today I felt really stressed about my paperwork, I really needed Levi.... I looked over to Samson's crib and saw him cooing looking at me with is beautiful brown eyes.

I walked over to him and picked him up, I held him in my arms sitting at my desk, he laughed at me while I made funny faces at him...he always made my day.

He soon passed out in my arms I kissed his forehead and put him back I his crib. I wanted to relax for a bit and Levi wasn't here to comfort me, I looked up at the ceiling before I could close my eyes I saw someone peer over me.

It was Levi he looked at me curiously "what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm trying to relax my nerves, I've been very stressful today" I said putting my hands on my face.

He walked in front of me and pulled Me out of my chair, I glanced down at him.

"What are doing?" Before I could ask anything else he pulls my head down a bit and kisses me.

"I'm destressing you obviously" he grinned. Then He pushed me to the wall and we started to kiss more passionately.

"Wait!" I said breaking apart from our kiss.

"What's wrong hanji?" He said looking at me.

"The baby, remember" I said pointing to sleeping Samson.

"Oh yeah I forgot about little squirt" he said, then he started to pout he went over the bed and sat down crossing his arms.

"Wow who knew "the Levi Ackerman" is sad because he didn't get to have a makeout session with his girlfriend" I laughed.

He glared at me "it's not my fault, I'm so damn in love with you." He said looking away blushing.

I walked over and sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, "oh come on Levi I was just teasing you" I laughed as I pecked his cheek.

He looked at me "you know your making it so damn hard not to kiss you right now" he said looking down.

I got up and picked Samson up from his crib and started to walk out.

"Wait where are you going?" Asked Levi, as he stood up.

"I'll be right back" I said before walking out.

I went into the mess hall to find Armin sitting with Eren and Mikasa. I walked over to him.

"Hey Armin!" I called out walking twords him.

"Hi hanji what's up" he said smiling.

"Do you think you could watch Samson for me for awhile?" I asked.

"I would love to!" He said excitedly.

"Great!, And thank you so much I'll be back in awhile to come get him" I said grinning as I handed him Samson.

I waved him goodbye as I headed back to my room, now me and Levi can really relax I smiled to myself.

(A/N) WARNING MATURE SCENE AHEAD, it's not really that bad but it may be a little inappropriate for some people but ya anyway back to the story.

Levis POV

It was taking hanji awhile to get back before I could go to open my door to go find her she came in the room.

"Sorry it took longer than I wanted" she grinned nervously.

"What did you go do?" I asked curiously

"I'm having Armin babysit Samson while you and me can finally relax"she said with a smirk.

I looked at her I knew what she meant so I walked over and closed the door and locked it. I didn't want anyone to Interrupt us, she walked over to the bed and sat down, I walked over to her and started to kiss her passionately she kissed me back I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her close to me after we kissed for awhile I worked my hands under her shirt and let my hands roam around I didn't break the kiss I lifted he shirt off and pushed her down on the bed I was on top of her kissing her neck and mouth, I took off my shirt and kept on kissing her.

I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was and how she was mine...

It didn't really progress any further because she was tired and she was on the edge of falling asleep. She smiled at me.

"Thank you Levi I really needed that" she said smiling, I got off her and laid next to her.

"Anything for you" I said pulling her close to me.

A thought came up to my head I realized something...I haven't felt like this in years, this feeling of someone that I truly love and want to dedicate my life too...I put my head on top of hers...

Hanji you are truly the only one for me....

A few hours pass and it was dark I got up trying to not wake up hanji, I put on a shirt and went to go pick up Samson.

I found Armin and eren in the hallway teaching Samson how to walk .

"Oi brats I'm here to pick up Samson" I said angrily.

Armin runs over to me with Samson in his arms "here you go levi" he said giving me Samson.

"Thx for watching him" I say as I quickly turn away and walk away.

I got back to the room and I put Samson in his crib he fell asleep. I walked over to the bed I took my shirt back off and laid next hanji, her back was turned away from me so I wrapped my hands around her stomach and pulled her close to me and fell asleep.

I thought about a question that has been eating at me for awhile....

How am I gonna ask hanji to marry me?

(A/N) I love this story so far and I will keep updating it to the end hope y'all like it byeeee

P.S  and I prob won't do much sex scenes.... because I'm 14 and the topic is still kinda weird to me lol but I'll do my best even though I'll probably be crawling out of my skin.

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