chapter 6 "will you marry me"

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The morning light beamed onto my face, I turned around which led me into Levis chest. I look up to see him still sound asleep, then I remembered.

"Shit!, I forgot about Samson." I yelled getting out of bed.

Levi grabs my arm "he's in his crib and if you keep yelling like that he's gonna wake up dumb dumb." He says pulling me back to bed.

"Did you get him last night?" I asked.

"Yep, because you were still asleep" he said pulling me back into his chest.

"Aww thank you shorty" I said pecking his lips.

"Tch your welcome" he said holding me tighter.

"Hanji..." He said softly.

"Yes?" I replied.

He looked at me "I have the day off today and I was wondering if you wanted to anything today with Samson" he said blushing.

"I smiled of coarse I do, I love to be with the two boys I love very much" I said smiling.

He looked at me and gave me a small grin, Then he kissed me.

"You know waking up next to you every day always makes me feel some what happy inside." He said hugging me.

"Aw shorty your such a softy" I said combing through his Raven black hair.

"I'm only a softy twords you" he said putting his face Into my chest.

I rub his head I was so happy to be with him. I was relieved that he wanted to raise Samson with me Instead of leaving me.

"Levi" I say still rubbing his head.

"Hm" he replied in my chest.

"I love you" I said smiling.

He looked up at me, "I love you too four eyes" he replied.....

Levis POV

After we got up and got ready for today I told her to meet me outside so we could do something with Samson on my way there I stopped by Erwins office.

"Hey Erwin" I said coming into his office.

"He Levi what's up" he said looking at me now.

"I need you to do me a favor" I said looking away.

"And that is" he said raising an eyebrow.

I place a stack of money on the table "I need you to go Me a wedding ring so I can propose to hanji tonight" I said with no emotion.

He looked at me and smiled "ofcoarse, when do you want me to give it to you" he asked.

"Give it too me at dawn when the sun is setting near the tree on the hill in front of the base" I said very specifically.

He nodded "ok Ill be there to give it to you, and congratulations" he said as he toon the money.

"Thx" I said walking out.

I walked outside to see hanji playing with Samson. They looked so cute I just wanted to see them like that forever.

"Oi four eyes" I called out.

"Hey Levi" she replied and walked over to me.

"So what do you wanna do today" I asked.

"Maybe we could go places and take Samson out to eat lunch" she suggested.

I nodded we walked into town hand in hand. Samson was tugging on my shirt telling me he wanted to go to a these kinds of places.

I looked at him and ruffled his hair, first we went into a shop to get Samson some toys. He choose out a dog stuff animal. After we went there Samson wouldn't let go of his new toy it was adorable.

We reached the place where we were gonna eat lunch it was a cafe, I got tea and bread, hanji got coffee and some bread and finally Samson got some soup. After we ate lunch we hungout by the lake, me and hanji sat down on a hill watching Samson play in the Grass he looked so happy, I was thinking about tonight and what I was gonna say to Hanji.

After awhile of thinking hanji brought me back to the present.

"Are you ok?" She asks worried.

"I'm fine don't worry" I said grabbing her hand. She smiled and and put her head on my shoulder,when she did I put my head on hers as I watched Samson run over to us.

"Daddy, daddy!" He said to me.

"What's wrong squirt" I said back.

"I want to cuddle too" he said quietly.

I smiled, I opened my arms and he came in and hugged my chest. I held him close to me, hanji looked over to me and smiled, not long after Samson fell asleep.

"We should take him home" she said getting up.

I nodded and picked Samson up in my arms, he snuggled into my neck not even waking up. We walked back to base and I gave Samson to hanji.

"I'll be back I need it go get something" I said walking away.

"Ok we'll be in your room" she called out.

I walked over to the tree to see Erwin with the ring.

"This was the best one they got" he said handing me the ring.

I opened it was perfect, it had blue gem crested in the middle.

"Its perfect, thank you Erwin" I said putting the ring in my pocket.

Erwin nodded and Walked off, now it's time to ask the love of my life to marry me...

I went back to the room very nervous, Hanji was sitting down reading a book.

She looked up "hey Levi welcome back" she said happily. I walked over to her and made her stand up.

'What's wrong?" she asks

"Hanji there's something that I wanna ask you..." I said quietly.

"Ok I'm listening" she replied.

Ok here goes nothing, I bend down on one knee and pull out the ring.

"Hanji you are the love of my life and I love you very much, there's not a single person in this world that could stop me from loving you. When you left me it felt like a part of me was gone...I needed it to be fixed and the only solution was you. When you returned I was so happy to be with you again, but to find out I have a son heart couldn't take it I needed to keep y'all close to me...... So hanji Zoe will you please marry me" I finally said.

I looked up to her see her crying "YES!, Yes Levi I will marry you!" She said bursting tears of joy from her eyes.

I got up and hugged her, I was so happy, now I could officially call her mine and she won't be anyone else's....


I was filled with joy I could now marry the one man I love most and take care of my family with him.

After we had our moment we spent the rest of the time thinking about preparations for our future wedding. After hours of planning we went to bed..

I cuddled Into Levis chest, we come so far at first it was just some drunk friends now we are a future wedded couple.....

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