chapter 2 "the news"

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Levis POV

Damn my head is fucken killing me I knew I shouldn't have drank any beer yesterday I look down in my sheets wait....why Am I naked? I look around, well there's no one in here so I suppose I just went to sleep like this.

I get out of bed and put some clothes on and went to go eat breakfast when I got to the break room I didn't see hanji anywhere. Maybe she's still hungover from last night, tch what an idiot drinking so much beer. I ate my food when I saw her walk in her face was puffy and she looked like she saw a dead Titan.

"Oi shitty glasses come eat" I yell at her to come sit with me. She turns and looks at me she smiles and heads over to me.

"Hey Levi!" She says as she sits down.

"Ok spill, why do you look like one of your titans was killed" I say as I glare at her.

She laughed "oh nothing really just kinda feel bad from last night, which also I apologise for I didn't know you would get drunk".

I looked at her and sighed "it's fine shitty glasses just remember your promise ok" I say drinking my tea.

She nods and starts to eat her food, I keeping thinking about why I was naked last night usually I always wear something, I looked at her maybe she knows something I don't.

"Ok shitty glasses do you know what happened last night after the party because this morning I woke up naked" I said coldly.

Right after I said she chokes on her food and looks at me "l-last night, n-no I don't recall anything that happened last night sorry" she says guiltily.

I glare at her "are you lying to me shitty glasses" I said annoyed.

She shakes her head "no of course not!, Why would I lie to you" she laughed.

I take another sip of my tea, then she gets up and walks away.

"Sorry Levi but I got paperwork to do!" She says as she walks away.

What is up with you today shitty glasses I thought to myself....


I walk into my room closing the door behind me, well fuck Levi doesn't remember anything from last night and he's getting suspicious of me too. I start to think on what I should do, wells there's only one option left I need to tell commander Erwin...

I walk to Erwin's office and knocked.

"Come in" he says

I walk in and shut the door behind me, I sit down in a chair in front of his desk.

"Hello hanji, watcha need?" He asked

I look down in shame, "commander Erwin I need to tell you something..." I say.

He lifts one of his eyebrows "what is it hanji?" He asks.

I let out a big sigh "I'm....... pregnant...." I finally say.

He looks at me surprised and he sighs "do you know who the father is?" He asks, I nod my head.

He puts his hand on his head "is the father me?" He finally says.

I look up at him "n-no it's not you it's someone else..." I say quickly.

"May I know who the father is?" He asks.

I nod "it's Levi....."

His eyes widened "wait Levi?, When did you and him, you know" he says.

I sighed "last night when we were both drunk".

He rubbed his head "so it was an accidental pregnancy and Levi doesn't know about" he finally let out.

"Yeah" I said quietly.

"Do you plan on keeping it and telling him or what?" He finally says.

I look up at him again I didn't really know, I wanted to keep the child because I always wanted a child but it's just so complicated. "Yes I want to keep the child" I finally said.

He sighed "well hanji I don't know really what to say I'm happy for you but it's gonna be really hard raising a child by yourself if you don't plan on telling Levi" he said.

"I don't want to tell him full on especially since he has no clue" I finally say.

Erwin stays quiet for a bit then finally says "well I'll ask him if he was ever planning to have kids in his future then we will work out way from there".

I look at him and start to cry "thank you Erwin" I said hugging him.

"Your welcome hanji" he replies and hugs me back. "Now you stay here and I'll be back with Levi's answer" he said.

I nodded and he left.

Erwin's POV

Poor hanji I couldn't imagine what she's going through right now. But that's not what's important right now, right now I need to find Levi. That wasn't so hard when I spotted him cleaning some windows.

"Oi Levi can I ask you something real quick" I say walking up to him.

He sighs "what do you want eyebrows" he replies.

"I'm asking everyone this question and now it's your turn to answer it" I said calmly after being called eyebrows.

"Do you plan on having kids in your future?" I asked.

"Tch no, there's no point into bringing kids into this cruel world so why bother" he said coldly.

He had a point but this wasn't gonna be good news to hanji. "Ok thanks for your answer" I said as I walk back to my office.

"Your welcome I guess" I head Levi say before I turned the corner.

I'm sorry hanji but I don't know what where gonna do now....

Hanji's POV

I waited for awhile then I saw Erwin come back.

"So what did he say?" I ask with worry.

"He said no he doesn't want kids...I'm sorry hanji" he said looking down.

My heart sank what was I gonna do I started to cry Erwin gave me a comforting hug.

"I'm gonna leave for awhile...." I finally say.

Erwin let go of the hug and stared at me, "leave are you sure?, Your humanities smartest soldier" He said calmly.

"I have it planned out I'll be in hiding in the town closest to here if you could send a cadet that we can trust to visit me every now and then I'll give them information about Titans and whatever you need until I'm ready to tell Levi." I said.

Erwin looked at me and then thought about it, "ok then that will work your excuse for not being here will be anonymous, I'll get cadet Arlert to look after you" he said.

I nodded and left the room to go pack, Im sorry you won't be getting to meet your father, little one I said rubbing my stomach.

I promise I'll be the best mother I can twords you....

unexpected pregnancy (LeviHan)Where stories live. Discover now