chapter 4 "the truth is out"

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Levis POV

I walk to eyebrows room and Burst the door open.

"What is it levi" Erwin said rubbing his head.

"Cut the crap tell me why hanji really left" I asked furiously.

He sighs "didn't she already tell you" he said still not making eye contact.

"Yeah but for some reason I don't believe her and it's been a few years and she's still not back yet" I explained.

He chuckles "I promised hanji I wouldn't tell you she has to be the one to tell you" he said still doing paperwork.

I sighed "it's about her kid isn't it" I finally said quietly.

Erwin stopped what he was doing and looked up at me "how did you know hanji had a child" he said furiously.

"Tch, I heard you and Armin talking about her and y'all mentioned her son Samson" I said calmly.

Erwin just stared at me in shock.

"I'm gonna ask this once and only once, am I the father?" I finally say making Erwin stand there frozen.

He sighs "yes you are and how did you find out" he asks

"I found her bra under my bed and remembered the night of the party, when we had sex and I got her pregnant" I explained to him.

He nodded and sighed "so what are you gonna do" he said calmly.

"Well I want to talk to hanji about it and we'll decide to do from there" I said calmly.

He stared at me "I'll have her come back at once and whatever she says she has full permission to do" he said coldly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked furiously.

"If you decide to reject her and the baby, and she decides to leave your life, you can't do anything to stop her" he says leaving the room.

I stare at the wall and let out a tear, why didn't she tell me....


When Armin returned from base he said that commander Erwin would like me to return home today.

"Why does he want me to return already? Did something happen" I asked him.

"I dont know much but he said he wants you back today so let's get packing" he said as he starts packing stuff.

As I was packing a sick feeling came to my stomach... How was I gonna explain to Levi I started to cry, and soon me, Armin, And little Samson where on the road back home.

When we got back to base nothing had changed everything was still the same.... All my friends ran outside to greet me I gave them all hugs. I had Armin take little Samson Inside to Erwin.

After I said hi to everyone I was walking to Erwin's office when Levi stopped me in my tracks. He was in front of me blocking my path.

"Hey shorty" I said with a weak smile. Be tched and ran into my chest hugging me as tight as he could. I looked at him.

"Levis is ever-" he cut me off

"Shut up I just want to hug you and not talk right now ok" he said squeezing me. I nodded.

After the hug he glared at me "we need To talk now" he said grabbing my arm.then shoving me into his room. I sit on his bed and he sits in his chair.

He sighs, "hanji why didn't you tell me about our kid" he said calmly.

My mouth dropped I started to stutter random words back at him.

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