chapter 8 "happy ending" final

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A few years past since me and Levi have gotten married and Samson was already 7 years old. We where very happy and I was pregnant again because me and Levi wanted to have another child.

I still remember when Levi didn't want any children now look at him he's playing with his 7 year old son.

I just gotten pregnant so there was no baby bump yet and I could still do work but Levi refuses to let me work saying I need to rest because I was pregnant.

I was excited to meet our new bundle of joy and for Samson to have a sibling.....

*Time skip to Hanji in labor*

It was the worst pain in my life I forgot how much being in labor was but Levi was by my side and never left me, it was different considering Armin passed out the last time I was in labor.

After a few more pushes I heard a faint was our new baby girl, the doctor wrapped In a blanket and handed our new child to me.

She had Levis eyes and a mix of me and levi's face.

"How about we name her Leelu" I said to Levi.

He looked at me and smiled "Leelu is perfect" he said holding my hand....

When we got back home Samson was jumping up and down eager to meet his little sister.

"Can I see her?" He said begging

I bent down to his level "look this is your new sister, Leelu".

His eyes beamed, "hi Leelu, I promise I'll be the best big brother ever" he said holding her little hand.

I smiled and stood up and put Leelu in her new crib where she fell asleep.

Erwin was there babysitting Samson and he smiled "I'm happy for both you, truly" me and Levi smiled.

"Thank you Erwin" I said grabbing Levis hand.

Erwin said his goodbyes then I put Samson to sleep. I laid in me and Levi's bed exhausted.

"Levi I need cuddles" I said putting my arm on my head.

I heard him tch, then he got into bed with me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Goodnight four eyes" he said snuggling into my neck.

"Goodnight shorty" I said closing my eyes, I thought to to myself I can't believe we went from accidentally having a kid to being one happy family, I grabbed Levis arms and held them close to me.

Thank you Levi for being the one person in this cruel world to be my Only true love....

I soon drifted sleep....

(A/N) soooo....yes I know it's short but I kinda thought about continuing it but then it would lead off to what this story was about so I decided not to but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did I will FOR SURE make more FANFICS of LeviHan and others in the future but this is goodbye for now thank you all so much.

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