You Again

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I woke up at about 9:30, just in time for me to get ready and explore a little. I always wondered what it was like in L.A., and now I actually get to live here!

I got up and dressed, made some waffles and by the time I was done eating it was about 10:46. I got my bag and coat and headed towards the door. I headed towards the elevator and pressed '1', when I got to the first floor I saw a man in the front doorway looking at his phone. He looked kind of frustrated.

"Sorry, uh, excuse me." He looked up from his phone and moved away. I was almost out the door when he asked me something. "Hey you're the girl from yesterday right? (Y/n)?". It was Mark! Did he actually remember me? "Yes it is, and I'm surprised you remember me with all your work.", "How could I forget a pretty face like that!". He was pointing his index finger right in my face, with a silly face, which made me laugh. Wait, did he just call me pretty, OH MY FREAKING GOD. "Thanks, and somehow I couldn't forget THAT handsome face either!", I pointed at his face and mimicked him. "Yeah I know, I have that effect on people, especially the LADDIES.", he grinned. This was kind of nice, just being silly with him, and not being judged, but I remembered what my
plans were. "I'm sorry, I would love to talk some more but I have something planned right now.","Like what?","I was going to explore L.A., you know, SEE THE SIGHTS.","I could show you around, I'm actually headed to get something to eat and go to the park. Would you like to join me?". HOLY SHIT, HE ASKED ME TO HANG OUT WITH HIM. AHHHHHHHHHH! "Yeah, sure.". I smiled genuinely with glee.

Mark's P.O.V

I will admit, she IS a pretty girl, and I actually get to show her around, this should be fun.

We arrived at the restaurant and I was intrigued by the way (Y/n) looked around with amazement and wonder. She must REALLY dig L.A.

We sat down and something was weird about me, I didn't feel like myself, then I looked up at (Y/n) and saw her staring at me, and of course I fucking blushed. Why? I never blush at girls, if anything THEY blush cause of ME. Shut up Mark, youre getting too self involved.

"So, you're first time in L.A.?","Yep, first and for good.","So you're staying here forever?!","No like for awhile, I would LIKE to travel to different parts of the U.S., but that's gonna take awhile, and to kickstart my career.","What do you want to do, or be?","An artist, I mean I draw and all that, but I can't paint or anything, just draw.","Could you show me sometime?","Mmmmm, I GUESS I could.".

She's so outgoing and fun, even though we just met a day ago, I feel like I've known her forever. Is that, no, not weird at all, just coincidence. Maybe.

After we were done eating and playing I spy like a couple of goofballs, I decided to take (Y/n) to the park I was talking about. We got to the park and (Y/n)'s hair whirled in the wind, blinding her momentarily, I chuckled.

"Nice night isn't it?","Yeah, it is.". She looked up at the moon and grinned, then slowly looked at me with a delicate face, and innocence in her eyes. She was beautiful. I doing what I think I'm doing? YEP. IM FALLING FOR HER. FUCK. If I tell her she's just gonna think I'm a creep, or just fan girl and not take me seriously. But am I sure that I do like her, better give it some time before I ruin everything for nothing.

Your P.O.V

Mark walked me home, well it's kinda where he lives too but, you know.

"Thanks for today, really." I know that I would usually freak out if I saw someone 'famous' and I liked them, but Mark was different, he was just a normal person, a human being with weaknesses and strengths, insecurities and feelings, and I didn't like him for YouTube anymore, I liked him for him, and it was real. I liked this man, a lot.

"My pleasure miss (Y/n), can I walk you to your room?","Sure can Mr. Mark!". We got to my apartment, I got out my key and opened the door inviting him in. "Nice place haha.". I still hadn't decorated anything, except for my pathetic bed. "Thanks I always felt that white was the new green.","Hey! My favorite color! You know me or what.","Not really, just tryin to make a joke.". We busted out laughing for no reason almost falling on the floor. We met yesterday, YESTERDAY, and we're acting like best friends, guess we just clicked. I got up and was followed by Mark, "Hey, Im glad you hung out with me today, I needed someone to talk to. It was kind of a hard day today.","Hey, no problem! Anytime!". His eyes sparkled with realization. "Anytime huh? How about Tomorrow then, we can chill out and play some games?". Was he actually asking me out, no, just to hang out, like friends, totally it. "I would love to!","Great! I'll come by at 11. See you then!". He smiled big, like he just got gold at the Olympics, then waved and walked out closing the door. What a frickin day. But I loved it.

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