Park Art

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Your P.O.V

I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon, wha? Where am I? I got up and scratched my head while looking around. That is when I realized that I had fallen asleep in Mark's apartment. Shit. Is it too late to just run out the door undetected?! Or mayb-

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Mark turned around and set up our plates. I could feel the blood rush to my face. "Did I uh, um, sleep here the uh, whole night?","YUP! Had to ward off anybody that would nibble yur giblets! I should really get paid for that." I couldn't help but laugh, that's what nice about Mark, he makes me happy without even trying.

"You hungry?","Very, thanks." We sat down at his counter and started to eat. I was kind of enjoying the silence when Mark broke it. "Do you have any plans today?" Well shit, what do I say? I don't want this to go too fast! But maybe it's not a date, Im getting WAY to conclusive. "Uh, no, I don't think so. Why?", "Oh um, there was an art festival in the park today, and I remember you telling me that you love to draw, so I wondered if you maybe wanted to go, with me...?". Mark asking me to go with him to a festival, mmm, should be fun! "Yeah, I would love to!", "Great, it starts in about 30 minutes so you might want to head back to your apartment.", "Right, will do! BRB!". I ate my last piece of bacon and headed out the door, but made sure to thank mark, he seemed happier than usual.

"Done! Looking good (Y/N), looking good!". I fanned my sun dress out and twirled, dressing up always feels nice. I grabbed my purse and headed for Mark's apartment.

Mark's P.O.V.

"Ok, ok, she said she'll go with you to this event, now don't screw it up!" As soon as (Y/N) left I ran up to my room and got a nice T-shirt and jeans. I styled my hair and put some cologne on, doesn't hurt to smell like awesomeness. I put my phone in my pocket and gave myself a look over, "Today is the day, today you'll tell her, and you won't be afraid.". I start for the door and opened it to see (Y/N) standing, ready to knock. And let me just say, she looked amazing. "Oops! Sorry! Haha, you ready to go?", "Yup! Let's do this!".

We got in my car and drove over to the park, drawings, paintings, crafts, a Ferris wheel, it was kind of amazing, but not as amazing as the look on (y/n)'s face. I could tell she was all for this stuff and it made me happy that I could spend this time with her. We walk over to a craft table that was selling bracelets, I looked at a pair of bracelets worded "For", and "Ever". I thought and got an idea. (y/n) walked over to a drawing booth and yanked me to sit down on a chair. And to my luck, we were being drawn. "OH MY GOSH! THIS IS AMAZING!", (y/n) was starstruck by the artistic abilities in the detail enhanced drawing. I smiled and looked over my shoulder, bingo.

Me and (y/n) got lemonades and were just walking and chatting, until I suggested we go on the Ferris wheel. "Hey, want to take a ride on the wheel express? Toot-Tooooooot!", "Yeah sure. As long as I'm riding with you!". She laughed and started running towards it. I ran after her, chuckling all the way, I wouldn't change this for the world.

Your P.O.V.

We got on the Ferris wheel and Mark was being a goofball the whole way up, making silly faces and telling the corniest of jokes, but I loved it. Funny, I don't even remember that he's Markiplier sometimes. We were having a blast, then the ride stopped, and we were on the top, looking over L.A. with the best view, then Mark started to speak, seriously. "(Y/n) I know we've only met a couple of days ago but, I don't know I have this, this feeling that, makes me feel, weird, in a good way. And the cause of that feeling, is you.", "What're you saying Mark?", "Im trying to say that, I, I, I like you.". Silence, if silence could be felt, I felt it through every single bone in my body, Mark, likes me? WHAT!? HE JUST SAID THAT HE, HE, LIKES ME!!! OMIGOSH! I sat there and Mark took my hands in his, and looks me straight in the eyes with a gentle, but painful look in his eyes, he's waiting for a response. I blush hard, I couldn't control my emotions anymore, happy, confused, curious, but I have to tell him the truth. And I will. "I, I like you too.". The silence was broken and Mark smiled bigger than I've ever seen before, he looked at me with passion and humbleness now, and pulled me in for a hug. Best day ever.

"I Live upstairs"~(Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now