Welcome to Los Angeles!

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I got off the 7 hour plan ride and waited for my luggage. When it finally came I went outside to flag a cab, it wasn't that hard actually, so I got to my new apartment complex pretty fast.

The cab pulled out to the curb, and I was starstruck. This building was my new home, and it was beautiful! I got my bags and payed the driver. I pulled out my key from my pocket and started towards the main door. I was about to reach for the knob when I felt a hand on mine. I looked up to see a man with dark wavy hair, and a jawline to die for! And might I add that he was quite uh...HOT!!

"Sorry! Go ahead." He had a smile across his face and held the door open for me, he looked familiar, but I didn't know where from. I walked in and nearly fell on my face from tripping.

"Are you okay?!". "Yeah, just a bit clumsy I guess haha.". "You want some help with those?". He pointed to my bags and I was feeling like a helpless person.

"Yeah thanks.". "No problem, what floor do you live on?". "Uh, 2.". We walked into the elevator and I was trying my hardest not to stare at him, until I broke the silence with a question and darted to his eyes.

"Do you live here?". I tried not to sound like a creep but he asked me what floor I lived on, so it's like 50/50.

"Yeah I do, I actu...". We were cut off by the elevator doors opening into my floor.

"Sorry what were you saying?". "I was saying that I live upstairs, on the 3rd floor." This gorgeous man was living on the floor above me?! SCORE! I walked him to my room and opened the door, to a bare, plain, white room.

"Sorry it's not, SHOWROOM READY, but I haven't got much time to decorate it ...yet..." I had only gotten there! He must think I'm poor, or lazy to not have done ANYTHING to my apartment.

"I'm going to guess you just moved in didn't you?". "MAYYYBEEEE.". He chuckled and asked me where to put my bags, I told him in the room to the left. He came back and held out a strong hand in front of me.

"Nice to meet ya, uh..."."(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." He smiled big and looked me right in my eyes, which made me blush.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Mark, Mark Fischbach.". He shook my hand and I was realizing why he looked so familiar. HE WAS MARK...IPLIER, FROM YOUTUBE, I WATCHED HIS VIDEOS EVERYDAY!!! I was screaming inside, but kept my cool trying not to be one of 'those' fans.

"Very nice to meet you too, Mark.". I was trying SO hard not to blush furiously.

"Very?". He looked at me with a puzzled smirk look.

"Never saw so much enthusiasm to meet me from a stranger." He chuckled and let go of my hand.

"I'm not THAT much of a stranger...". I mumbled, but he seemed to have heard me, FUCK, THERE GOES TRYING NOT TO BE AKWARD AND WEIRD!

"Oh so you're a fan?". He grinned with self confidence, flipping his hair in a model way.

"Yeah, kinda. I mean, I guess.". I was so nervous to be standing in a room with THE MARKIPLIER, but he wasn't the Markiplier I know, he was calm and collective, I was just talking to Mark, as himself. And it was kinda nice to see this side of him, the REAL him.

"Well I'm VERY happy to meet you (Y/n), and I'm so glad that you like my videos! I actually have to go and make a video now, so I'll catch you later!". He walked out of my apartment and waved before leaving for the elevator.


After I got over my fan girling moment I started to put away some stuff when I heard a loud crash followed by a loud "Shit!". It sounded like it was upstairs. "Wade can ya help me over here." I recognized that voice, AND that name, Mark lives above me? AWESOME.

I took a shower and got into my Rolling Stones T-shirt, and fuzzy pants, nothin like feelin comfy! I got on my iPad and opened YouTube, of course checking the video Mark posted, Duh, and some others.

It was 10:07 and I was getting a bit tired, so I hopped onto my air mattress, hopefully not deflating it, and drifted off.

"I Live upstairs"~(Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now