Meet Me...Mark

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Mark's P.O.V

Tonight was great, I don't really have the words to explain it but it was out of this world. I told (Y/n) my feelings and it felt good to get it off my chest, and better yet, she feels the same. My mind is racing with ideas and questions, like are we dating now, when are we going to, are we ever? Well of course we were going to date SOMETIME, I guess I just have to make it official. Tomorrow I'll call (y/n) over and have a 'talk' with her. It feels weird to actually have someone like me as Mark, not Markiplier, but, a good weird.

Your P.O.V

Wow, yesterday was amazing, I didn't actually think he liked me. What am I saying I never thought ANYONE would like me! But mark!? OH MY GOSH, I don't think I'm getting just how amazing and awesome this is, how he is. But now, what are we, we were just mutual friends before, I think. But now, are I sure as hell hope so! But I don't want to rush us if he's hesitant or something, cause ya know, men. Well I guess I'll just go get some Starbucks cause I'm a grade-A hipster!

I got to Starbucks and asked for a plain Mocha. The seats near the windows are always the best. I took a seat and just stared out into the world, wow...deep. My order was called and I sat back down, nothing could make this better. Until...

"Hello sir! What can I get you?","Uh just a Chai Tea please.". That voice, I've heard it somewhere. And sure enough when I turned around, there was Mark, waiting, looking at his phone. Hehe hasn't noticed me yet, I'll wait. ;) Or maybe, I'LL SNEAK ATTACK HIM WHEN HE LEASTS EXPECTS IT! Nah, ill just play it cool. 'Walks swiftly pass him gently brushing his back on our way to the sugars....', dang, didn't work, oh well, or maybe, I'LL WALK UP BEHIND HIM AND HOLD HIM IN A HEAD LOCK! Nah too violent, I'll just head back to headquarters.

Mark's P.O.V

Oh I knew she was there all along. Just wanted to see what she'd do to try and get my attention, stupid right? I knew she noticed me but I kept on playin it cool. Her plan to majestically walk past me to get my attention was adorable but not successful. I saw her lose faith and walk by me to leave so I, SNEAKED ATTACKED HER WHEN SHE DIDN'T EXPECT IT! She walked by and I quickly turned around and hugged her, it felt sudden, but good. She flipped out cause she truly didn't think I knew her existence, but I can be sneaky.

"Whatcha doin lost lamb?!!!","MARK! HOLY SHIT YOU SCARED ME!","Hey, hey, hey, it's just me, why so scared? Man you wouldn't last 5 minutes in a horror game!","Whatever...","Hey wanna he'd back to my place for some Mark special time? 'cough* hack*'
"Haha, sure. Does it include sitting on our asses all day playing video games?","Maybe..."

We got back to my apartment and (y/n) fell over on the floor groaning. "What am I going to do with you?","Love me, feed me, never leave me." *Gulp* "Uh about that, can we uh, talk for a moment?", "Uh yea, sure.". We headed for the couch and I think she knows where this is going. "About yesterday, I meant what I said, you know that right?","Yeah I do, and I also said what I meant.","I hope so. Cause, I think that, that we, we should start, thinking about maybe, well I mean it's just that, I like you a lot and I think we should...","That we should be together?","Yeah, that.","You know mark, you could've just asked me casually haha. But yes I would love to be with you." Those words came out to me like butter, she actually wanted to be my girlfriend, and she likes me for who I am, not what I am. This is the perfect time ,for the perfect move...go for it.

I looked (y/n) right in the eyes and Caressed her cheek, her face fit perfectly in my hand. I swept her hair behind her ears and she blushed, she was beautiful, and no one can tell me otherwise. I took her face in my hand and pulled it closer to mine, her eyes looking more beautiful than ever, and before I knew it, our lips were locked. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces, and I didn't want it to end. This moment I would hold dear forever. When we finished we stared at each other for what seems like years. Then she said something that I'll never forget, she smiled and said, "Forever.".

Your P.O.V

Best day ever, again. :)

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