1: Very Quirky

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I always thought of my quirk as a blessing. It was strong. So strong, that it could change the course of the universe, the galaxy, everything! At first glance, my quirk seemed decent, not hero material, but definitely something that people would be jealous of. I figured out as I got older the true power I possessed and that, to put it simply, my power had no limit. I could change the world for the better, I could end world hunger and make everyone live in peace. I could also destroy it. Rip it apart, tear it to shreds. I could end everything. So I chose to save it. What other choice did I have?

Hi, my name is (Y/n) (L/n); and this is the story of how I didn't accidentally destroy the world.

Despite quirks manifesting in kids of young ages, I didn't know I had a quirk until I was fifteen. I had always assumed I was quirkless, my luck was never that great. That was until one night when I was mindlessly watching what some would call a kids show, I call it the reason I'm the person I am today, Miraculous Ladybug. I was casually watching an episode, drawing on my iPad and dreaming about a future I would never have. Well, that's what I thought. Turns out life had a different plan for me.

"There," I sighed and clipped my pencil back onto the side of my iPad. I looked longingly at my drawing of my version of the Miracle box, wishing it was real and not an image on the screen. "Urg, I wish I could just reach into the screen and pull it out!" I huffed and gave it a go, certain nothing was going to happen.

Boy was I wrong.

The moment my fingers touched the drawing they gripped the image and pulled it out of the screen. The Miracle box clattered to the ground and I did the natural thing that anyone would have done. I screamed and yelled profanities.

"Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

My surprise heighten and I almost fainted as a bunch of floating bug-looking things with big eyes flew out. Kwami's.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit!" I yelled and scrambled back on my bed.

"She's got a foul mouth." A red Kwami with a black dot said.

"I like her!" A black cat-looking one said then flew around the room. "Does she have any cheese? That would make me really like her."

"This can't be happening?!" I gawked. "I just, and it, poof! Box! Maybe I've finally gone crazy? I've succumbed to my depression and am hallucinating to make me feel less pathetic! Maybe-"

"She reminds me of Marinette." The Ladybug kawami said and floated in front of my face, inspecting my nervous brake-down.

"Huh?" I blinked, surprised at such a compliment. I pinched myself hard and nothing happened. "This is real, isn't it?" I asked, wanting reassurance.

"Yep," The kwami in front of me nodded. "Hello, I'm Tikki. The kwami of the Ladybug Miraculous."

"I-I'm (Y/n)." I stuttered. "I can't believe it, you're here."

"Where is 'here' exactly?" A tiny fox (aka Trixx) asked then jumped on the keyboard to my desktop. The screen lit up and an old video of All Might started playing, his laugh startling the kwami's and making them jump back. "Woah, who's that? He's like, the muscliest dude ever! Hey Fluff, he kinda looks like you!"

"Let me see!" A tiny bunny yelled and flew over.

"That's All Might." I said dreamily and watched that video for around the ten-thousillionth time, still sighing in admiration. "The number one pro hero, the worldwide symbol of peace. Isn't he perfect?"

"He would be if he had cheese," Plagg (the black cat) wined and kept looking for his personal number one hero.

"Where's his Miraculous?" Wayzz, the turtle kwami asked.

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