Chapter 3

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I went to work the next day, and texted Jake whenever he could. I decided to tell my coworkers about what him and I talked about, and they were all less than supportive of the whole situation, which I understand. Like Julia they all just want to look out for me, but I couldn't hide this from them. It's very interesting being stuck in a room with the same people for so many hours at a time it's hard to keep anything private because if we did it would just be a super awkward room with no conversations happening, and we like to keep it interesting. Now apparently it is my turn to keep it interesting with all my love life drama. A few ask about Bryan and what is happening with him, but I explain how I haven't talked to him in over a week, and he hasn't even tried to to talk to me, and I'm the one who last tried to reach out os I don't know what more he expects me to do, so I do nothing.

              Jake explains to me that we won't be able to FaceTime tonight because Amy doesn't work late, and I know it shouldn't disappoint me as much as it does. I really do like talking to him, but I guess texting will have to do. When he is heading home he tries to call me, but I'm work so I tell him I can't talk I'm at work still.

              "Okay well I'm almost home so text me something normal so we can keep talking or snap chat me if it would be bad if a certain someone found out:)" He says, and that phrase makes this seem so real of how bad our conversations can be. But at least I can still sort of talk to him.

              I finish up my last dog, and clean up my station my conversations with Jake are pretty boring, giving each other more shit than usual, but I like to think of it as an act I just hope he is thinking the same. He hasn't replied in awhile, and I'm cleaning up a few kennels in the back before I get to leave, and my phone vibrates in my pocket with a text from him, and this one takes me back a little.

              "So I guess I'm coming to Arizona by myself will you pick me up form the airport?" he asks, and I'm shocked. What happened in the past hour that made that happen?

              "Uh...sure? Why?" I question.

              "Amy and I got in a fight and she isn't coming anymore which I'm fine with because then I actually get to see you:)" Whoa, was this fight about me? I'm almost scared to ask.

              "What was the fight about?" I ask nervously. I see he read my message, and that he starts typing, but it is taking awhile so this is probably going to be a long message. I put my phone back into my pocket, and continue to clean kennels until I feel my phone vibrate again, and I was right it is a long message.

              "She's always on my case about money, and says that I spend too much and that we need to save all the fucking time which I get, but I am saving. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and she's mad because we don't make as much as she would like and she gets mad at me for spending any of the money that I earn which also pays for rent and almost everything else in this fucking house, and her money is just for her and I'm sick of it so we got in a fight about it and I called her spoiled, and she told me to have fun going to Arizona by myself and I said I would so I just bought  plane ticket I'll get there on my birthday at 11:30 is that okay?" That was a lot to take in I'm not even sure how to respond at first. I don't want to say I'm happy that they are fighting, but I kind of am. I feel like a horrible person, but I also know how to avoid situations like that.

              "Wow I'm sorry, yeah I'll pick you up from the airport that day," I say because I'm really not sure what else I can see.

              "Thank you, I'm going back inside now so I'll talk to you tomorrow," He says.

              "Okay. Night," Again I'm not really sure what else to say so I keep it simple. I'm still in a bit of shock at how much he opened up to me, but there is also some excitement that comes over me thinking about how he's coming here, and that I'm going to get to see him in person for the first time in 3 years. I finish cleaning up at work, and head home trying to hide my smile that is trying to peak through.

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