Chapter 7

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Well, it's official. I am the other woman. If it wasn't official before it really is now. I wake up the next morning and I'm still laying on his chest. He's still sleeping peacefully and I smile seeing him here in my bed makes me happier than it should. I keep my window open in the winter because in Arizona it doesn't get too cold and I like the cold and fresh air it bring into my room. Normally I just cuddle underneath the covers move, but Jake has always had a very high body temperature so I just cuddle closer to him, and my movement must've disturbed him enough because he stirs a little, and I try not to move as I look up at his face. I see his eyes begin to open slowly. They open for a second and then I see a smile stretch across his face, and he pulls me closer in his arms. I love that feeling. The feeling that he wants me, and that he likes being here with me it makes me feel so special.

              "Morning," He says softly.

              "Good morning,  how did you sleep?" I ask as he stretches.

              "Pretty good, I thought I heard some noises and I thought it was your dad coming home though," He says, his brown eyes are fully open now.

              "Really? I don't think he's home I would've heard him Im sure," He shrugs, and I get out of bed to go see. I look at the loft where my dad's office is, and he isn't there, and if he isn't there then I know he isn't home. I go to his room and open the door just to make double sure, and I was right he isn't home. I go back to bed and lay on my side next to Jake.

              "The coast is clear you worry for nothing," I say, and he places a quick kiss on my lips.

              He picks up his phone and for a quick second I see the screen and I see Amy texted him. My smile fades with the reality that as much as I want to believe it is just him and me in our little world, it isn't. He's still married, and I'm still the other woman. He doesn't even bring up the fact that Amy texted him, and I won't dare to either.

              "My mom asked where I spent the night last night," He chuckles, and I manage to laugh a little with him.

              "What are you telling her?" I ask.

              "I'm just saying I stayed at Cody's" I nod. "Want to come over for breakfast?"

              "At your moms? No, that's so weird, then she will know you stayed here," I shake my head as he puts his hand on mine, and I see the tattoos on his forearms I forgot were there. Which is hard to do since on one he has a giant lighthouse that takes up his whole forearm. Another thing that I find so attractive is tattoos, especially on him. On the other side of that arm he has "sticks and stones" written, and on his other arm he has some quote about knowledge.

              "Oh, I forgot to say happy birthday yesterday, so happy birthday," I say running my hand up his tattoos.

              "Thank you, I don't think you actually mean it unless you come over for breakfast though," He smiles, and I look away from him.

              "I'm not coming over to your moms, I'll see you later," I let go of his arm.

              "Want to come to the gym with me?" He asks. I cringe. I hate going to the gym, but getting a chance to see him work out. I have a slight arm fetish and to see him work them out I don't think I can turn down.

              "Fine, oh and would you want to go to the movies with Julia and Blake tonight?" I ask, and I see the look on his face says he doesn't really want to.

              "Or we could just hang out here and have a repeat of last night," He smiles, and leans down to kiss me again. I love how his lips feel on mine, there's a connection there that I have never felt before, not even when we were together three years ago, and I'm really not sure why this is.

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