Chapter 3 - The School Incident

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I head back to my room. Maya is sprawled out on the bed, wearing her pyjamas. They looked really cute on her.
I gently pick Maya up and put her under the covers. I get into bed.

I can't help but cling onto Mackenzie. I look up at her, into her eyes.
I was in love with her... I knew what that strange feeling was now... this last week I've been the happiest I've ever been. I slowly wrap my arm around her waist. She doesn't stop me, so I sigh in relief. She could tell I was working up the courage to say something.
"It's alright... you can say anything you like..."
I nod and look into her eyes again.
"T-this past week has been the best week of my life... not just because you're my favourite artist... but because I became your best friend... I've never been...good when it comes to love.. b-but I think I found my f-feelings for you... Mackenzie... I—I'm in love with you... real love... not that fan love or friend love..."
Mackenzie's eyes widen and begin to water. My face was on fire just looking at her.
I move my face closer to hers slightly. I could feel her heavy breaths on me.

Without much warning, she gently grabs the back of my head and kisses me.
My eyes widen. This day just keeps getting better and better. I kiss her back. My heart beats a mile a minute. We both pull away and look at each other.
"T-that was probably the most amazing thing to ever— happen to me..." I say, breathlessly. Mackenzie only chuckles with a heavy blush.
"So... what are we now..?" She asks.
I think for a moment.
"Lovers...? Girlfriend and girlfriend..?"
Mackenzie smiles.
"Lovers... sounds great to me..."
We kiss once more and head to sleep.

I wake up to a gorgeous angel gently running her fingers through my hair. I open my eyes and smile at Mackenzie. We were now a couple. So what if we were moving too fast..? We just fell for each other.

I smile at Maya. Last night I kissed her. Probably one of the most daring things I've done... but it felt right... I look at the time. 6:30am. Maya wakes up and looks at me.
"Good morning beautiful...." I say, a smile on my face.
Maya sits up and hugs me. I squeal and blush a little. She was being so cute!
An idea pops into my head. Maya loves bacon and eggs. Can't be too hard to make right? I mean, how hard can cooking actually be?

"Go for a shower, sweet.. I'm gonna make you some breakfast..."
Maya nods and grabs her school uniform and heads to the bathroom. I go downstairs.
I grab some eggs and bacon out of the fridge, then turn on the stove. I put the eggs and bacon on the pan. I wait a few minutes. The fire alarm suddenly goes off. I accidentally set the stove on fire! I panic, running around the kitchen to find the fire extinguisher. Maya enters the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her. She grabs the fire extinguisher and puts out the fire. Then she opens the back door and windows.
"Maybe leave breakfast to me... ehehe..."
I blush in embarrassment. She kisses my cheek and heads back to the shower.

Davi wipes her eyes.
"Did you set the alarm off..?"
I nod guiltily. She sighs.
"I swear.. just give me a gun I'm going to shoot that stupid alarm."

Fifteen minutes later Maya enters with her hair to her left side. It oddly suited her.. she was also in her school uniform. I could smell her lavender perfume from here...
"Hey... you're free to jump in the shower if you want.. I'm gonna make a proper breakfast. I've got enough time..."
I nod to my girlfriend and smile.
To think she's now my girlfriend... it's like the Lord himself gifted me with an angel... that's how it seems to me anyway. I head to the bathroom and run the shower. I notice Maya had neatly reorganised all my shampoo and conditioner and body wash. That sort of stuff.

I begin to cook breakfast. Mackenzie was going to make bacon and eggs, probably because she knew I loved it in a morning. Bless her...


Two weeks ago me and Mackenzie began dating. I felt like the happiest girl in the world, yet I was starting to get stressed. I think Mackenzie could tell too.. I've had no sleep whatsoever for the last week and a half.. I've been planning with staff for the school festival. I had no time for sleep..

Dokidoki Precure! Maya x Mackenzie Where stories live. Discover now