Secret Talent

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This was suggested by qwenstefanifan! Thank you guys for all of the love and support.  It really means a lot to me.  Now on with the preference!!

Tony: You can sing.  Like really sing.  Your dad often has music on blasting and you like to hum along to it.  He didn't really think much of it until you started to have your own jam sessions in your room.  Starks are not known to be quiet, so when you sing everyone can hear you.  He was amazed at your ability and now whenever he has a panic attack, your singing helps calm him down.

Steve: Unsurprisingly, you can draw.  You did get this ability from your dad but you kinda took it to the next level.  Not only do you prefer canvases for your art, but you also thrive on the colors you add to your piece.  Whenever you make something, there is a special wall in the house for your art and your dad makes sure it all gets hung up there!

Bruce: You are basically an empath.  I know this isn't a "secret talent" but you are really good at reading other peoples mood based on their body language.  Whenever your dad is bummed out that an experiment didn't work, or he hit a dead end research-wise, you know immediately and know exactly how to cheer him up.  This is also very calming and you use this to help him relax in possible code green situations.

Thor: You are very advanced in math.  Numbers just make sense to you, unlike your dad.  It always confuses him when you try to explain a problem and it makes you laugh.  He doesn't know where you got this talent, but he thinks it is very cool.

Natasha: You are incredible at learning languages.  I know this was your "power" from a previous preference but its honestly awesome.  You can essentially tell yourself I want to learn, (insert language you want to learn) and read a couple books, maybe visit the place for a couple days and be fluent.  The downside to this is that sometimes you don't know what language you are speaking in and it confuses your mother.  

Clint: Super cheesy but your bird calls are on point.  Like, you can attract birds to you with your calls.  Kinda weird but also fitting seeing your dad is Hawkeye.  When you are in the vents (learned from the best of course, your dad) you make the bird calls and it confuses everyone in the compound or room that you are in. Still no one other than your dad knows of this talent so it makes it that much funnier seeing others confused.

Fury: Your secret talent is espionage.  Just kidding, (only a little bit) your secret talent is being a leader.  This is a very useful talent when your dad is as strict as Fury, because you can rally people into doing what you ask, and you give Fury a run for his money.  You and you dad butt heads a lot, but it's just because you both think you are right.  Anyways, he is able to rest well knowing that you will be able to lead Shield when he retires. 

Peter: Baking.  You love to bake, and Peter loves to eat.  His spidey powers give him an extra fast metabolism, so your cakes, cookies, rolls, pies, and brownies are the perfect dessert to him.  Your dad actually had an extra pocket sewn into his suit so that he could take some leftover baked goods on his mission.  So far that food has saved him about 3 times when his body doesn't have enough fuel.  

**Author's Note**

Hey guys, so heads up.  This book is actually NOT finished.  I have just recently gotten the motivation to make more chapters so yay!  Please don't expect frequent updates or anything from me, because I am a student and school is my first priority.  I will try to get to all of the suggestions you guys made on the last chapter, so hang in there.  Thanks for being here and stay healthy!!

Daily Reminder: You are more than your grades, and you deserve to eat today.

Peace OUT,

Ever May

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