4. "Dreamy Weamy"

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---------Dreams POV---------

I pull into my driveway and sit there smiling for a minute. She's amazing I think, I really hope this works out. I head inside and realize that Sapnap is streaming, so I go on Discord and hop into his vc.

"Hey Dream!" Sapnap says "How was your daaate?"

I blush a little and see chat go, as Chadnap would say 'brazy.' I can't help but blush and smile really large. "It went really well Sapnap. I think she's the one, she's so beautiful and funny and amazing."

Chat is still going crazy and Sapnap says "Drweamy Weamy is in lovyy wovvyyy."

"Oh come onnn" I say. "Shut up Sapnap."

Sapnap just bursts out laughing. "Alright Dream, we'll pretend you aren't in love."

"Whatever Sapnap, I'm gonna heard out."

"Okay, make sure to call me later and give me the deets"

"Will do bye chat!" I log off and head to watch Netflix and cuddle with Patches, thinking about y/n the entire time.

---------Y/N POV---------

I'm so excited and hyper that I decide to put my energy into cleaning up the apartment. I see that Sapnap is live and decide to put the stream on in the background. A few minutes later I hear "Hey Dream!" I rush over to my phone to turn up the volume. "How was your date?" I blush really hard knowing Sapnap was asking about me.

"It went really well Sapnap. I think she's the one, she's so beautiful and funny and amazing." I hear Dream say. I blush really hard and so a little happy dance in the kitchen and yell "Oh my god!"

I see chat going crazy and hear Sapnap say "Drweamy Weamy is in lovyy wovvyyy." I just blush harder and squeal into my hands, while doing a happy feet style dance.

"So I'm guessing that date went really well?" Abby comes into the kitchen.

"Ahh" I jump.

"Did I startle you?" Abby chuckles.

"Yeah" I laugh. "But yeah the date went really well"

"I'm glad" she smiles at me.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed," Abby says.

"Oh alright," I say "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she says heading to her room. "Oh, and you should probably check Twitter by the way."

I realize Dream had left Sapnaps stream and head to the couch. I open Twitter to see #DreamHadaDate trending. "Oh nooo" I groan. I look through the hashtag and see a lot of curious people, some kind people wishing Dream well. And the occasional toxic stans as well. Oh well, I think, I already knew I'd have to deal with them if I date Dream. I should sleep, I have work tomorrow but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep so I turned on Netflix and scrolled through Twitter and Instagram for a while, thinking about him the entire time.

---------Dreams POV---------

I see that Sapnap ended his stream so I jump back into the vc and George is already there. "Spill the deets"

"Now!" Sapnap adds.

I roll my eyes at the idiots. "Well we went to a fancy Italian restaurant, that happened to be her favorite"

"Ohh! Thats good!" George says.

"We also went and got ice cream, I flung ice cream at a stranger and it was great!"

"You what?" says Sapnap.

I just wheeze and ignore him. "But she has college in the morning so I had to drop her off" I say.

"Did you guys have a goodnight kissss?" George asks.

"Yeah" I blush intensely. "She just kissed me on the cheek but it was cute"

"Oooooooh," both George and Sapnap say.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes at them again but I'm still smiling.

"So you aren't worried about her doxxing you then?" George asks.

"No, I think she's genuine," I say. "I don't think y/n would do that to me" I sigh.

"You okay?" George asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay she's just so pretty, and kind, and funny and amazing. I hope this works out guys I really do. I hope she enjoyed the date as much as I did."

"I'm sure she did Dream," George says reassuringly.

"Yeah bro, we're happy for you too," Sapnap says, "She sounds great."

"Yeah you guys are right" I reassure myself. "If its meant to be, it'll happen"

"Yup" Sapnap says. "You guys wanna play some Minecraft now?"

"Sure" "Yeah, why not."

I play Minecraft with the boys for a little while, they tease me about y/n the entire, but I don't mind, there's something special about her.

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