Into Dippers Mind

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(I'm so excited for the next chapter!!!! Trust me, the next chapter...things are gonna get interesting! :D)

                                          ~Dippers Perspective~

Once I finally reach the mansion, I open the door as quietly as I could to not have Ford, Stan, or Mabel hear me. "Will!" I whisper yell as I walk up the grand staircase.

"Y-yes master?" Will says in a normal, yet squeaky voice that makes me jump a bit.

"Will! keep it down will ya? I have an urgent need!" I say in a low whisper but yet in a quick harsh tone.

"Oh, y-yes master. But w-w-would you like a little t-tray?" 

"What? no. I just need you, you are the all seeing eye right? and you know everything? I need to find a way to see through the past, but not through visions or dreams. You know how to do that right?"

"I b-believe so m-master...but you w-would have to go i-into you're m-mindscape. Everyone h-has their o-own."

"Whats the mindscape?"

"It's a p-place where you c-c-can look on you're m-memories of the p-past." Will says trying not to stammer but fails.

I put my hand on my chin and think about the information Will tells me. "Is it dangerous?" I ask.

"As l-long you send p-p-people you trust, y-you should be f-fine."

I feel nervous for that act, but I trust Pazzie, Will, and Mabel. They all know about my visions, so It'll be alright...I hope.

"Will, you're coming with me. Go get Mabel." I say faster that intended and start to speed walk to the door but am stopped by a and on my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going Mason?" I sigh as I turn around and see Great-uncle Ford standing there, still having a hand on my shoulder.

"Just...going out. Will is going to help me set up for the next show. Right Will?" I say hoping Will would lie for me.

"Y-yes!" Phew.

"Where were you last night? You never came home." He asks now crossing his arms.


"Never mind. I don't need to know who you were sleeping with. But I also heard you're becoming....close with Pacey."

"U-um, sir i-its P-P-Pacifica." Will says correcting him.

"Shut up Will." Ford snarls back. I see Will starts to have tears for in his eyes.

"Only to get the journal...right...Mason?" Ford says with an angered tone. I couldn't help but show my fear. I was always afraid of my great-uncles. And on some occasions, Mabel.

"R-right." I stutter.

"Good." Ford says replacing his scary look with a fake smile. He walks away fading away into the darkness of the hall.

"Thanks Will. I owe you one." I smirk at him and he nods and dashes up the stairs, while a couple seconds later brings Mabel down.

"You guys to realize it is seven, o'clock in the fucking morning!" Mabel says with a groan and rubs some sleep from her eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle as I see her hair messed up and she's only in a baby blue short silk nightgown.

"Shut up Dipper!" She says snapping her fingers and having on her daily outfit and me, Will, and Mabel make our way back to the shack...but I couldn't shake the feeling as if I was being watched.

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