Part 2

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If only Sarang came back before he got married. Namjoon kept thinking about it since the day his first love re-entered his life. He was now on his way home, with his hands gripped on the steering wheel, and was deep in thoughts. He knew that he would be happy with Sarang. Plus, the fact that she gave birth to her son, he already set his mind to divorce you and live a life with her.

It was during the first few months of your marriage with Namjoon, when Sarang came back. They dated for years before you met him. They were like a match made in heaven, that was how the other people described their relationship. Sarang is said to be the daughter of a prominent businessman in your country, while Namjoon is the only son of Kim Technologies. They have shared a bond and a lot of memories together. That was why, when Sarang told him that Eli was his son, he easily believed her. He wouldn't deny that something happened between them before they got separated.

"I just need to break the news to Y/N, and I'm free," the bothered man mumbled to himself. Honestly, he was unsure. He felt like there was something wrong with whatever he was planning but he just shrugged it off. He was already stressed with the work stuff and didn't want to be bothered by you.

"Taehyung," you said his name like you were longing for his presence. Your childhood best friend sat beside you, while you literally used his shoulder to cry on.

He slowly patted your head and gently spoke, "How's my Y/N?"

Hearing his voice only made you cry harder. You nuzzled your head against his broad chest, "I missed having someone to talk to." You sobbed in between words.

A soft chuckle left his lips, "And I'm here now. Why are you drinking alone? I heard that you got married."

There was a hint of sadness when he uttered the word married. But you didn't give much meaning to it, instead, you responded to his question.

"Yeah, and I'm all alone."

"Y/N," he heaved a deep sigh then held your shoulders to make you look at him. "Are you happy with your marriage?"

After you heard his question, you broke down crying again in his arms. His warmth was enough to overcome the coldness you were feeling.

"Where is she?" Namjoon asked himself as he was welcomed by darkness when he entered the house. He took a glance at the wall clock displayed in the living room and noticed that it was already past ten at night. Where could she be? He wondered again.

He might not know it, but he was starting to think of you and your whereabouts. He was not used to this kind of feeling. You rarely go out and he knew that you got few friends. Out of nowhere, the doorbell rang. He quickly dragged his feet to the front door hoping that it was you. He wasn't wrong. As soon as he opened the door, there was you!

His heart jumped out to see you safe standing in front of him. However, it soon turned into a frown when he noticed a brown-haired man holding your waist. It was Taehyung. He was helping you stand straight but you were too drunk and tipsy. Unknowingly, Namjoon clenched his fist.

"Who are you?" Your husband's voice sounded unfriendly.

"I'm Taehyung," your best friend tried to compose himself as he was battling with your body weight, while you moved closer to him.

The sight was something that Namjoon wasn't expecting. He never knew that you have a friend like Taehyung. And the closeness you both were showing in front of him was truly an eyesore to him. He didn't know why, but he was getting annoyed at this point.

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now