Part 1

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Your eyes were staring at the clock from your bedroom wall while waiting for your husband to come home. It was already past eleven at night and still no signs of him. Suddenly, you heard the door creaked open and you saw him slowly came in.

"Welcome back home," you smiled as you hopped out of the bed to greet him.

"Hey Y/N," he said in a monotonous voice. And when you were about to help him remove his coat, he took a step back. "I'll go and take a shower," he explained as he swiftly went to the bathroom.

This wasn't new to you. In fact, you were used to this. Your husband, Kim Namjoon would always come home late and whenever you would ask him where he went to or how was his day, he would completely shut you off.

The two of you were bound by a marriage where only one person loves the other. And that one person is you. All along, you thought you could get Namjoon to love you back. Like the way you love him. Sad to say, you were too delusional to think of that.

He is a total cold person. And when was the last time you saw him smiled while you were with him? There was not a day.

You heard him turned the shower on. Another day of silence with him, you thought to yourself

The morning came and you woke up with no one beside you. You forced a smile as you already thought this was going to happen. You got up and did your morning routine. Once done, you made your way downstairs and saw him preparing to go outside.

"Where are you going?" You tried to ask but you already knew, he will only give you either a short or cold answer.

"You don't need to know," he said. Just like what you thought.

"It's weekend," you spoke again.

You were waiting for a response from him, but he gave you nothing. He didn't even bother to say goodbye to you. He quickly slipped on his shoes and pretended that you weren't there. It hurts to see the person you love acting this way towards you, but you can't do anything. It was like you were completely invisible from his sight.

You took a deep breath in and held the tears that were threatening to stream down your face. You needed a way to help yourself loosen up, and you only thought of one thing.

"Namjoon, thank you so much for visiting Eli today," the woman who was now in her nightgown spoke. Namjoon still had his eyes set on her, that was why he can't get himself to love you. He still hasn't moved on from his first love and he came to visit her today.

"I know that you are already married and your lovely wife might be waiting for you. But Eli needs you too," her voice was soothing to Namjoon's ears. But little did he know, there was more to it. Something that he might regret forever.

"I'll do anything for you Sarang," the man spoke like he wasn't even married.

The woman standing in front of him chuckled, "Namjoon, don't b-"

"Sarang," he held the woman's hands gently. Something that he would force himself to do towards you, but not towards Sarang. He willingly held her hands. "I'll leave her for you and Eli."


"You told me that Eli is my son. I don't want him to grow up without having a father figure on his side."

"What about Y/N?"

"I'll divorce her. I don't love her, I never even loved her."

Namjoon spoke like he was so sure of it. Like he was so sure that he never loved you. Who knows? Maybe, somewhere along the road, he'll realize that the thing he once thought was nothing meant something. And what if it's bigger than that? What if it meant the world to him? What if YOU meant the world to him

As soon as Namjoon took a step outside, a smirk formed on Sarang's face. Her plan was working as she expected it to be.

You went drinking outside alone. After you got married to Namjoon, you lost a lot of your friends. Why? It was because they were against your and Namjoon's relationship. They knew that it was only you who loves Namjoon. But you were too hardheaded. They became tired of consoling you because you never listened to their advice. However, there was one person who stayed by your side through your ups and downs. But he wasn't here. He migrated overseas with his family because they were expanding their business. Your one and only childhood best friend, Kim Taehyung.

A tear rolled down your face as the memories from the past came flooding. You missed having deep and meaningful conversations. If only Taehyung is here with you, you'll have a shoulder to cry on. Right now, you were just gulping the sadness you were feeling through the alcoholic drink resting in your pale hands.

As you took the last gulp, a familiar deep voice called your name, "Y/N? Is that you?"

You turned around to find where the voice came from. And soon your brimming eyes, let out the tears to fall.

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now