Part 3

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"Daddy, what's wrong?" Eli held into Namjoon's hand who can't keep his eyes off from the image in front of him. It was you with Taehyung, again.

Sarang who came back from the restroom noticed Namjoon's stiff and tensed body, "What's wrong?" She followed the gaze of the man she adored but didn't find anything. You and Taehyung already left the scene.

"Let's go home," Namjoon took Eli in his arms while Sarang was left confused.

"But daddy, I don't want to go home yet," Eli whined as he struggled to release his body from his father's touch.

Namjoon calmed the kid in his arms by softly speaking, "How about we go back some other time? Daddy has to be somewhere and it's really important."

"Baby," Sarang chimed in as she caressed her son's face, "Let's go home for now."

Unfortunately, she wasn't really sure what had gotten into Namjoon. They arrived at the theme park with all smiles plastered on their faces. Now they will be leaving the place, question marks filled up her head. Is there something that I need to know? The woman wondered.

You and Taehyung were having fun like the old days. He took you to a theme park and now treating you to dinner.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend," you complimented Taehyung, while he pulled out the chair for you to sit.

"The pleasure is all mine," he spoke gentlemanly.

You giggled at his gestures and sat down. He took the seat opposite of yours and said, "Can I ask you that question again?"

"What question?"

He placed his clasped hands on the table and said, "Do you still want to stay by his side no matter what?"

You stared at your best friend with your mouth shut. You didn't know how and what to respond to. You love Namjoon, you love him with all your heart. But his words and actions towards you never changed. He's still the same Namjoon who never showed any affection to the woman he married, YOU.

Your husband got back home earlier than usual. He just dropped off Sarang and his son at the apartment where they were both living, and immediately drove his way to your house.

He took a seat on the couch and glanced at the wall clock displayed in the living room. His hands were clasped together as he spread his long legs and leaned his body forward. Again, he was waiting for you to come home. Namjoon was unaware of this. What he only knew was that he didn't like you hanging around with another man. Especially, with Taehyung.

The food you both ordered was now placed in front of you. But the question Taehyung brought up a while ago still kept ringing in your ears. Do you still want to stay by his side no matter what? He noticed how quiet you've become so, he immediately changed the subject.

"Y/N," Taehyung gently tapped the table to gain back your attention. "My birthday is coming soon. Let's celebrate it together," his lips curved up with the thought of you and him celebrating his birthday together.

"Oh my god! I almost forgot about it," you gasped as you placed both of your palms near your mouth.

"It's alright Y/N. What do you think?"

"Sure, anything for my best friend."

A sad smile formed on Taehyung's lips when he heard you say 'Sure, anything for my best friend.' He could not be anybody more than just a mere best friend. But what else can he do? You're already married, and he didn't want to be tagged as a homewrecker. As long as you are always by his side, it's enough to complete his day.

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now