Part 5

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"Hello Y/N," the woman's motherly voice echoed in your ear. She is sweet unlike her son, who gave you nothing but heartache.

"Mom," you're voice trembled unsure of what else to say.

"How are you?" You didn't know why she suddenly called you. What could be the occasion?

You glanced towards Taehyung's direction and saw him tilted his head. As his eyes went wide, he mouthed, Mom?

"I am good. How about you mom?"

This time, you excused yourself from Taehyung who looked so shocked, while you went outside his office.

"I'm doing great Y/N. By any chance, are you free today?"

You thought for a second because you remembered, you planned to celebrate Taehyung's birthday today with him.

"I," you sighed, "I am."

"It's fine if you're not free today. We can meet tomorrow or any day you're available."

"It's alright mom. It's probably something important."

"Thank you Y/N. Where are you? I'll have my driver pick you up."

"I'm at V Architectures and Design."

"Good, please wait for my driver. He's on his way now. See you Y/N."

"See you mom."

After ending the call, you held your phone close to your chest. You felt like you needed to face Namjoon's mom even if your relationship with him wasn't going well. You walked back inside Taehyung's office and said, "I'm so sorry Taehyung, I need to be somewhere today."

A small smile left his lips while he put his hands on his pockets, "Will it take most of your day? How about tonight?"

"I'll call you," you gently held his shoulder and left his office.

On the other hand, Namjoon became colder to the people around him, and almost didn't talk to anyone, except for his mom. It just so happened that Mrs. Kim decided to visit her son on the house she knew both of you were staying. However, instead of seeing a happy couple, she witnessed the opposite of it. The house was a mess, covered with darkness and enveloped with silence. That very same day, she saw her son curled up on the bed hugging your wedding photo. She didn't need an explanation for it. She already got an idea of what was happening.

"Y/N," Namjoon's mom hugged you after seeing your presence. Her warm smile made you smile back. She even kissed your cheeks and asked you to sit down. "I missed you, darling. You've gotten prettier."

"Thank you, mom," you shyly responded as you put both of your hands on the table.

The comely old woman placed her hands on top of yours and spoke, "I know what you and Namjoon are going through. I don't want to interfere, I'm just worried about the two of you. You are still both young and have a lot to learn."

As she said those words, not only her mouth was speaking to you, but her eyes as well.

"Mom, about Namjoon and I-"

"Can you check him, for me Y/N? Please?"

You weren't still ready to face Namjoon. And if you come to meet him, what's going to happen?

"He's still my son and I'm worried about his state, please Y/N..."

You weren't a bad person. You were just hoping that instead of his mom pleading in front of you, you were wishing it was him. After all, you were always the first one who approached him.

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now