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Three Years Later...

You took a deep breath in and felt the cold breeze touched your skin. You are now back in your homeland, after a few years of roaming and exploring around different countries. You are now about to start a new life in your homeland.

Going back to the place where you came from wasn't easy for you, it wasn't because you hated the people or didn't like living here. It was just, the painful and sad memories kept flashing back. You wanted to find peace within yourself that was why you decided to travel alone. And you learned a lot from it, not only the differences in the culture, but you learned more about yourself.

And how could you not forget what Taehyung offered you before leaving the country? He begged for you to stay, he even told you that his apartment was open for you. But you politely declined. Why? It was because you didn't find a reason to stay with him. He confessed his true feelings to you, but you realized that you didn't feel the same thing for him. And if ever you give him a 'yes' out of pity, because you've known him for too long and also happened to be your best friend, wouldn't that be forcing yourself to love him? And what if you end up like how you and Namjoon were before? One is in need of affection, and the other doesn't care. You didn't want to repeat the same thing.

You took a cab and got down to the place where you were about to stay. After you and Namjoon divorced, you got your fair share from him and it was enough to help you sustain your life. Plus, the fact that you were able to travel to different countries, it was surely more than enough.

"Isn't it refreshing?" You asked yourself as you plopped your body down on the soft bed. Every part of the apartment was fully-furnished. "Shouldn't I be looking for a job now?" A hopeful smile was painted on your lips.

The next day came and you wore your favorite lavender Sunday dress. You thought that this was the most suitable attire when attending a child's birthday party. Its length touched your knees, and it covered your flawless shoulders. Very conservative, they would say.

You found the address that was sent to you. And as your eyes traveled around to what seemed a princess-like themed party, your eyes met his. His stares held longing while yours held excitement. You walked towards him and spoke, "Taehyung."

"Y/N," he was surprised as to how you've gotten prettier and bolder, after not seeing you for three years. You still have a special place in his heart. You are his childhood best friend and the first love that he won't ever forget.

You studied his face and noticed that he became manlier and noble. "Can I give my best friend a hug?" You asked shyly. Just to be clear, you weren't embarrassed because he was looking handsome. But you felt a little shy because you didn't contact him within those three years you were gone. You promised to keep in touch with him, but you failed.

He didn't respond. Instead, he opened his arms wide and let you in. You missed him.

While you both shared a friendly hug, a little girl came running to Taehyung. Her legs still wobbled, but she managed to get herself close to the tall man.

"Dada," her cute and soft voice made you smile. Soon, you released your body from the hug and bent a little lower to meet the little angel's eyes. She was wearing a pink gown for her age. Something like the one you could see in Disney movies about princesses.

"Hi Dana," you smiled at her while she blushed. "I'm auntie Y/N," you extended your right hand as you continued.

The kid didn't respond but hid on Taehyung's legs.

"Come on sweetie. It's auntie Y/N," Taehyung carried her in his arms. The little girl was so shy as she nuzzled her face on Taehyung's chest.

"She got your eyes," you spoke to Taehyung and saw how his eyes sparkled. Not too far, but behind Taehyung stood his wife. You both exchanged smiles and you found her nice, just by the way she presented herself.

She walked towards you and Taehyung, then took Dana. She was aware of who you are in Taehyung's life, but you didn't. She knew that you and Taehyung needed some time to speak.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I told you that I'll wait for you but I found her." Taehyung was trying to explain himself as he felt bad for what he did. You knew there wasn't wrong with that. Feelings change.

You were both standing on the veranda as you watched the children play in their garden where the party was happening. His wife still had Dana in her arms. You saw the look in Taehyung's eyes. You could easily tell that by the way he gazed at his wife and daughter, his love for them was something you wish you had when you got married to the person you loved, your ex-husband.

"Taehyung," you held his shoulder, "Don't think that you did wrong to me. I understand, and I can see how you truly love your family. They are lucky to have you."

"Y/N. I'm really sorry."

"You don't need to. I'm glad that you still accepted me as your best friend."

"That won't change, and I will always be."

That day, you got to know Taehyung's wife. She is really sweet and caring, no wonder Taehyung fell for her. You didn't feel uncomfortable when you talked to her and you instantly became friends. You also had the chance to carry Dana in your arms. Taehyung's daughter. At first, you were scared, but the moment you had her in your arms, a tear slipped out of your eye. You thought, what if your marriage wasn't broken and everything went fine, will you be having a child of your own like Taehyung? The dream you really wanted to happen but it didn't.

The night came and you bid your goodbye to the lovely couple. You took a cab and was now on your way home. You were staring outside the window and smiled to yourself, you thought, of all the things you've been through and you were amazed at yourself that you were able to cope up with everything. As of this moment, you weren't in the rush to find your significant other but was more excited to know what would be in store for you. Life is full of surprises. You'll never know who and what comes next. Right now, you wanted to focus on yourself. You wanted to be the best version of yourself. And there's no stopping you.

𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮

I hope you enjoyed reading this series. As a reader, I felt like part 5 didn't have a proper closure and I was really like 'there's something missing'.  After writing the 'Epilogue' part of this fanfic, I feel more satisfied. Thank you so much for reading this!

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now