Part 4

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Taehyung took you to a restaurant to speak with the attorney whom he mentioned can help you with your divorce case. He wanted to be with you, but he also had to attend to an important matter in his office. You just smiled to yourself remembering the question your best friend asked you from the other day, do you still want to stay by his side no matter what?

"Good afternoon Mrs. Kim," the flamboyantly handsome-looking man extended his right hand. "I'm Park Jimin, the attorney you are meeting today."

You quickly stood up and shook his hand, "Good afternoon Mr. Park."

He motioned you to take a seat, while he took the empty one opposite of yours. "I heard from my friend about your case and I'm willing to help you out. First of all, are you sure about this?"

This man was so straightforward. You knew that he was only doing his job and was trying to help you. You took a deep breath before giving him your final answer. You weren't hesitant, you just thought, how am I able to start after this? There's no backing down.

"Mrs. Kim?" The attorney called back your attention while you spaced out.

"Yes," there was confidence in the tone of your voice. Right, there's no backing down.

The day Sarang asked Namjoon to come to visit the apartment where she lived her son, she became more clingy and needy of Namjoon's presence. To the point, that she almost wanted Namjoon to stay in the same place she was living.

Even if she knew Namjoon would be busy in the office, she would not think twice to pick up her phone and call him instantly. And today was one of those days.

"Namjoon, I need to do some grocery shopping tonight. Can you go and help me?"

She and Namjoon weren't official yet, but she was acting as they do. She already heard from Namjoon that you left the house and she was doing all her best to get what she always thought was hers.

"I'm sorry Sarang, but I can't tonight. I have a lot of things to finish," the man on the other line sounded so tired.

"Please Namjoon?"

"I can ask my secretary to accompany yo-"

"It's just a simple request!"

Sarang immediately ended the call after that. She didn't give Namjoon the chance to respond. Heaving a deep sigh, she threw her phone on the couch and went to check for her four-year-old son.

The night came and Namjoon didn't even bother to call Sarang after what happened earlier. Yes, he wanted to speak to her about the little argument they had, but he was thinking more of you lately. He lied on the bed the two of you used to share and stared on the side you once occupied, "Is she doing alright?"

Unconsciously, he took out his phone and dialed your number. This would be the first time he will be calling you. You were always the first one to call or message him.

After a few seconds, you picked up the call. However, instead of hearing your voice, he heard someone else's instead. To add uneasiness to whatever he was feeling, it was a man's voice.


Namjoon thought the voice was familiar and why would another person take the call for you?

"Is this Y/N's phone."

"Yes, it is. Who's this?"

Meanwhile, the man on the other line took the phone out of his ear and checked the caller id. There was no name, just an emoji of a red heart. By then, he already knew who was calling you.

When He Has A Child With His Ex and He Hides It From YouWhere stories live. Discover now