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god must hate me: simple plan

No matter what he did, Tsukkishima couldn't help but think his life would be a lot easier right now if he would have just stayed on the couch that night a few weeks ago. Tsukishima was now able to acknowledge his crush on you (acknowledge, not accept), but that doesn't mean it made things any easier.

last night I just wanted to have fun

to go out with my friends

Now, no matter how hard he tries, he just can't force himself to willingly ignore his infatuation with you. Despite how hard he tried, he couldn't help but think about the way you decided to tie your hair up that day while he was trying to study. Nothing could take his mind off the way you ignored Kageyama to come say hi to him instead while he was attempting to listen in class.

but I crashed in a wall

man, I'm dead

It was a nuisance. A bother. An annoyance. Any other word that means "problem that won't go away". You were like an absolute plague to his brain. A pest he couldn't kill, no matter how many traps he laid out. You took up every single corner in his brain, not leaving room for anything that wasn't you. It was getting very old, very fast.

It even got to the point where his grades were slipping. Not much, but they were still dropping point by point.

i guess it's no use

i'm screwing up every little thing i ever try to do

Even just being around you now was starting to be harder than before, which really says a lot because he really had a hard time putting up with your non-stop talking before. He was now slipping up in his everyday activities when you were around. He would drop his things and almost, almost, trip sometimes. His serves almost always missed when he was met with a cheer from you and his focus instantly dropped whenever he spotted you in the gym.

This didn't go unnoticed by his teammates and coach. While coach Ukai was less informed about the reason why Tsukishima was missing basic plays, he was far from pleased. He earned a scolding about taking things seriously and getting his head out of the clouds. His fellow players were (to his surprise) a bit more astute than his older coach and fairly quickly picked up on the reason for his little slip-ups.

Every time you walked into the gym they'd all whistle just to bother Tsukishima the exact right amount to get his serve over and the slightest bit more powerful. Every break they got, Tanaka and Noya were hanging all over you, making it very clear to Tsukishima that they were physically closer to you than he was. Hell, sometimes Hinata and Kageyama got in on the little game and started getting a bit too hysterical at your jokes and sitting a bit closer to you on the bench than necessary.

Tsukishima was lying if he said he was okay with it.

god must hate me

he cursed me for eternity

It wasn't stopping. This little game of teasing and driving Tsukishima mad lasted for weeks. Whenever Tsukishima tried to swallow his pride and confront his teammates about their antics, he was met with faked ignorance.

"Whatever do you mean Tsukishima? You shouldn't accuse your senpai's of things like that." Tanaka had told him.

"Y/N-san? What do you mean? She's my friend!" Hinata flashed one of his iconic smiles before leaving him in the dust (as per usual).

The way Tsukishima could see it, this wasn't ever going to stop.

i'm breaking down and you can't save me

i'm stuck in hell

After another week or two of his teammate's torture, he stopped caring (that's a lie, he just stopped showing his distaste for the situation).

However, that didn't clear him from literally every other guy in the school. You were very obviously attractive and your bubbly personality and people-pleasing attitude was a great combo for just about every male in the surrounding area.

and I wanna go home

Tsukishima would give a kidney at this point to go back to hating you. This was so tiring. 

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