Episode 8: Helping Hand

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Noah jerked out of his bed when his alarm went off. At first he thought it was his morpher. He sighed when he realized it was just his alarm and turned it off.

Rubbing his eyes, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do his morning business. He put on a pair of black trouser and a blue shirt. He arrange his hair and picked the books on his study desk. Chemistry. Noah sighed and shut the chemistry assignment he couldn't make head or tail of. He was an all A student in other subjects but chemistry just seam to have a mind of itself
He put his books in his bag and held the text books he borrowed from the school library

He went downstairs to meet his mom placing a plate of pancake.

"Sit" Mrs Easton said seriously and sat herself

Noah knew she wanted to talk to him about something so sat and began to eat
When he finished his food his mom spoke up

"Dan will be coming to visit today" Mrs Easton said

Noah's face lit up at the mention of his favorite cousin

"Really?" He asked

"Yes. He agreed to help you with your chemistry problem" his mom replied

Noah's smile dropped
"What! I don't have chemistry problem" he lied

"Noah, I know you have problem with your chemistry" Mrs Easton said

Noah sighed
"How did you know?" He asked

Mrs Easton smiled
"I'm your mom Noah. I'll always know.  Dan will help you in chemistry. He'll be at the bus station by the time school's over today. Go pick him up, got it" she said

"Got it" Noah grumble and picked his plate. He left to the kitchen and returned a few moments later.

Noah hung his bag on his shoulder and picked the library books

"I'll be going now. Bye Mom" he said

"Have fun sweetie" Mrs Easton said

Noah left. Cause of his load of books he decided to take his car


Emma, Logan, Finley and Camila are at the school parking lot leaning on Logan's car waiting for the blue ranger. Emma again got a ride from Logan and finley. They started the tradition of meeting before school starts and just talking about anything

"Logan" A high pitched voice called

The rangers and non ranger turned to the director of the voice. They all groaned when they saw Jennet Mclver walking up to them

She stopped right in front of them with a huge smile making her look like the nicest person you've ever meet

"Hey guys" Jennet said. She must have noticed the girls cause when she did, she smile crooked. Emma and Camila rolled their eyes at her and she recomposed herself

"Hey Camila, Emma" She said "How are you"

"We were fine, until someone showed up" Emma said

"Great" Jennet said ignoring the urge to throw in an insulting remark. Instead, she pushed herself between Logan and Finley

"So..did you guys watch the latest video on my blog? It's got the power rangers in it" She said

"Oh um, I didn't see it. But I'll make sure to watch it when I have a chance" Logan said

Finley didn't bother to reply. To him, the girl was just annoying

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