Episode 12: Family issues

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Emma grabbed onto her dad's right hand tears running down her face.

"Daddy, please don't go" she cried

Her dad looked down at her and shake her hand away from him
"I'm not you Daddy, okay. You're a mistake and a disappointment. You're not my child" he said and the girl cried more

"Stop crying idiot" Her dad said and kicked her hand hard. A crake sound was heard and Emma grabbed her hand

Mark quickly picked her off the ground careful not to hurt her more

"I hate you" her dad said and dragged his bags out of the door, out of the house and out of their lives

Emma jerk out of her bed sweating. Hands grabbed her shaking body as tears run down her cheeks


Emma looked up at the person sitting on her bed. Mark. She threw her hands around his shoulder and cried into his chest. Mark placed his chin on her head and run his hand on her back calming her

"Em, please don't cry" he said softly holding his sister tight.

Emma soon quite down and slowly pulled away. Mark cupped her face and wipe the tears away

"It's the dreams again isn't it?" He asked

Emma nodded
"It..it's that time of the year again. I..I just can't forget his words" she said

Mark arrange her scattered hair and smiled softly
"Don't worry sis. He can't hurt you anymore" he said and kissed her forehead head. "Try to go back to sleep"

"I can't" Emma replied with a sigh

"You want me to stay with you?" Mark asked

The girl nodded and moved to create space for him
Mark smiled and they lay next to each other. Emma soon went to sleep again and Mark sighed

"I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow" he said and closed his eyes but couldn't sleep


Emma pressed her head on her locker and sighed. First period and she already want to get out of school. It's so unlike her but after her dream yester night, she have been in a crappy mood. She even snapped and yelled at Nathan when he dropped Camila off and asked if she was okay.

She felt someone touch her shoulder and instincts kicked in. She turned so fast, the flash would be jealous. Finley quickly grabbed the fist that was about to make contact with his face and looked at the girl with wide eyes

Emma gasped and relieve washed over her face then her eyes widened and she retrieve her hand and put it behind her

"umm" Emma trailed off avoiding all eye contact with the green ranger

"Dude, I told you not to disturb her. You could have gotten punched in the face" Noah said with a sigh.

Emma jump just noticing the blue ranger's presence. The whole team was there including Camila

"Are you sure you're okay?" Camila asked

"I'm fine" Emma said and opened her locker

"You've been in a crappy mood all day. Did mother nature come to visit?" Logan asked teasingly

Emma slammed her locker shut and turned to the black ranger
"Does a girl need to be on her period before she can be in a bad mode?" She snapped at him and walked away to her next class

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