Episode 13: Two more spiritgems

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Emma joined Camila, Noah and Finley at the parking lot. The black ranger was missing.

"Where's Logan?" She asked them

Finley shrugged
"Haven't seen much of him lately. He's always off with Nate" He replied

"Nate and Logan hanging together? They'll probably bore each other to tears" Noah said

Finley chuckled
"You'd be surprised how wrong you could be on that, Noah" he said patting the confused blue ranger on the shoulder.

Camila frowned
"But, Nate didn't say anything about them hanging out" She said and at same time, both her's and Emma's eyes widened
Finley chuckled knowing what the girls were thinking
Noah frown only deepened.

"Get your heads out of the gutter guys. Logan would never jump into things like that" he said and they chuckled

"Well it isn't exactly jumping...." Camile started but Emma cut her off

"Anyway..." Emma said smiling at the green ranger "... let's get to class. We'll figure out what Logan and Nathan are up to later"

The four nodded and turned, heading towards the front door


Logan walked into the Lincoln's house and headed straight to the stairs. He went and opened the keypad putting in the code. The hatch door opened and he went do the flight of stairs.

The command center was quite, and with no sigh of live unless you count the red ranger whom was bent over Dash's chair using the mentor's computer

Nathan didn't hear the black ranger walk up to him and place his right hand on Nathan's shoulder.

The red ranger acted on instinct and grabbed the hand on his shoulder, twisted it. Logan didn't have the time to fight back cause next thing, he was pinned down on his back, Nathan holding a fist out ready to punch him

"Nathan" he quickly said

Nathan stopped and looked at the human under him, realizing who it was

"Jesus, Logan what the hell?" He asked getting up and helping the black ranger up too

"Me? You're the one that just attacked me without a reason" Logan said with a huff

"It was a self defense instinct. You just don't grab someone without warning" Nathan argue back and turned to Dash's computer before realizing something else. It was 7:30am. He turned to the black ranger
"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Can't I just come to see you?" Logan asked

"You're not here just to hang with me" Nathan replied

Logan rolled his eyes
"School isn't the most important thing on my schedule right now when we have more pressing matters to tend to" he said

"Like what?" Nathan asked turning back to the computer

"The spiritgems which is somewhere out there laying around waiting for Lord Vendox to come down and pick them up" Logan said

"Lord Vendox won't come down here himself. Not yet anyway"

Logan frowned not so sure about that but he didn't think much about it. Instead he looked at Dash's system, looking at what was displayed on the screen
"So, did you find something?" He asked not really understanding what he saw on the screen

Nathan looked over to a small machine next to the printer which currently held his morpher. The machine kept beeping flashing red light
"I don't know yet. This thing have been trying to lock on to the energy signature for an hour but nothing"

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