First Encounter; Raphael:

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I worked pretty hard on these, I scrapped maybe five different versions of Raph's, (all over 2000 words) just to settle with one I'm supper proud of. I have many ideas that I hope you all will enjoy!

It was a chilled night in the city. I walked down the streets, bags of take-out sitting gripped in my hands. I shivered as a light breeze came through. Wishing that I wasn't kicked out and having to live in a crappy apartment with the worst heating in the city, but hey, at least I wasn't starving on the streets and had a job already.

As I continue walking, I hear the sound of rustling, in the alley I just passed. I pause for a second and turn back, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Hello?" I call out, no answer, "is anyone there?" again, nothing. I walk a bit deeper into the dark alleyway, not scared but getting anxious. I turn on my heels, not wanting to be in the slightly creepy alley anymore. Just as I was about to reach the sidewalk again, I was grabbed by something and yanked back. I shrieked and started to thrash around, dropping my food on the ground and I tried to free myself.

"Oi shut up would 'ya?" more of a demand than a question of the entity that had me in a hold turned me to face him. I see a giant pig man. I get ready to scream again in terror, but he puts a meat cleaver to my throat, making me zip my lips tight and a few tears slip from my eyes. Effectectly shutting me up, he takes out a brown potato sack and stuffs me in. I cry out in pain as I'm slammed onto what I believe is his back, whimpering in the even darker sack as he starts to move. Out of nowhere I got launched in the air and slammed back down, I grunt hard and started to struggle against the sack, hoping that somehow I could escape. That is, until something swung at me and knocked me clean out of consciousness.


Slowly coming to, I can feel warm liquid around me, it smells nice. I go to move and get comfortable only to find that I was immobile, my eyes flutter open, all I see is a orange-red color thick liquid around me. I tried to move again, but my hands and legs were tied together. I try and scream for help, but the gag in my mouth wont let me. 'This has to be a dream, just a really really really bad dream, I'll wake up at any point now,' is all I can think to myself. I was getting overwhelmingly scared, frantically looking around, soon realising I was going to be someone's or something's dinner by the looks of all the cooking ingredients and supplies. Starting to cry silently, knowing that I'm probably never going to get out of here and get eaten alive.

A loud THUD!! Fills my ears, my head shoots up and I come face to face with the pig monster from earlier. Staring with wide terrified eyes, I wanted to back away from him. He grins evilly down on me, moving closer, causing me to shake in the soup, tears starting to fall. I let out a muffled whimper as he reaches for me, grabbing me again and he takes out a knife, adrenaline courses through me as my heart almost stops in horror as a large knife is brought near me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for the pain of the blade, but instead the rope that connects my legs to my arms is cut and I'm thrown back in the soup. Granted my legs and arms are still tied.

The pig monster turns his back to me, so I take the chance while the adrenaline is still present within me to untie my legs and slowly get out of the warm soup. When I land out of the pot, my foot lands on the hot burner, oh am I thankful for that gag now, I suck up the pain and quickly get off the stove. Running past the back to the pig monster, I hide behind a large barrel to keep out of his line of sight for when he turns back around. I look at what I can see of myself and finally notice that I've been stripped out of my sweater and jeans and now I just sit in my own soaked bra and underwear. My long (h/c) hair sticks to my chest and of course the burn on the bottom of my foot, it throbs in pain. I move my tied hands to the back of my head and untie the gag, moving it so it can be a temporary cover for the burn. And like that, I'm off, ignoring the pain the best I could while running for my life.

While running aimlessly I hear the scream of rage of the pig-man and I also hear the loud thuds of him running after me. He was about to turn a corner to find me when I dove into a sewer pipe and back into the darkness to try and hide myself. I see his shadow slowly approach my position and I clamp my hands over my mouth, shaking in fear and tears falling rapidly down my cheeks. Seeing his actual figure come into view, I tremble even more and back away even more until my back hits some rusty bars of the sewer pipe. He stops right in front of the entrance of the pipe for a couple long minutes before finally moving on. I slowly get up and go into an off-pipe that leads somewhere off.

After what seems like hours I find myself lost in the undergrounds of the city, and no longer see the subway tracks but only sewer pipes and sewage water. Wandering around like a lost puppy, limping, running into walls and falling in the dark. At this point I was just hoping to get out of this labyrinth alive. Slowly lifting myself on a higher pipe I crawl through until something fills my nose, the smell of pizza, that's when it hits, I haven't eaten.

I keep crawling through the slightly cramped pipe when I see a big opening, poking my head out, I slowly look around, and see nothing but an even bigger opening to the left of me and the sound of laughter fills my ears. I move out of the pipe and slowly and quietly make my way to the big opening, taking a small look. I see four turtle-like monsters like the pig monster sitting and eating the pizza. I stumble back in fear and fall down with a loud thud. A wince escaped my lips as I fell on my bare skin on my behind, slightly scraping it.

The laughter comes to an abrupt halt and I get fearful, I start looking for an exit and see the pipe I came from. Scrambling to my feet I turn and start running towards said pipe, only to step with full weight on my bad foot and fall face first to the ground. I was about to get back up when something got pressed gently but forcefully to my back, keeping me to the ground.

Tears falling from my eyes, "Please, p-please. I...I'm sorry for running, j-just please don't eat me," I sob out quietly. My body was trembling under the hold, I was scared for my life and it was apparent on my face.

"Yo Donnie, go grab the first aid kit," a soft voice said from above me. Suddenly, the weight was gone and I was being lifted up in a tender way. I look and see one of the turtle monsters, my eyes went wide and I screamed and struggled against him. He only held me more secure "hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm trying to help you." he softly said.

I stopped trying to struggle, knowing that I couldn't get far even if I tried. The turtle thing took me into where he came from and I got a good look at him, he seemed to be a snapping turtle of some sort with a red bandana wrapped around his head. He was definitely bigger than me, me being little ol' five feet and two inches, he was definitely over six feet, no doubt.

He set me down on a dirty and old brown arm chair and another turtle with a purple mask and goggles came in with a first aid kit and a bored look on his face. He sat down in front of me as the red snapping turtle walked out, a worried look on his face. I try and cover what I can in shame and in fear when the turtle in front of me inspects me. My body still trembles in slight fear, less than earlier, and I stare at the turtle with wide eyes while I tuck my legs into my stomach.

"Hey, we're here to help," the purple turtle says in a hushed tone, "can you tell me your name? What happened to you?"

He reaches for me and I flinch, backing away into the chair. "M...My name is (y-y/n)," I said. The red turtle returns with something grey in his hands, two more turtles in blue and orange follow suit.

    The two new turtles quietly sat a couple feet from the chair as the red one came up to me and the purple one. He handed me what seemed to be a grey hoodie, my shaky hands taking the item from his rough and cold hands. I slowly unfold it and pull it over my almost bare body. It's huge on me, my arms only reach halfway through the sleeves.

    "Okay (y/n), can you tell me if you're injured?" I turn my attention back to the purple turtle. I nod to his question and bring my lightly wrapped foot out for him to see. He slowly took my foot and unwrapped it, revealing the missing and scorched skin of it, some of it curling and flaking away and don't forget the sewage that was inside of my loose wrap. The turtle looked at it intently and then ordered the other three around to get stuff that the first aid kit didn't have. I settle in the chair and breathe in a full breath for the first time in a little while. I look at the three others coming back with different things. I look at the red turtle and then glance over the rest.

    "Can I have a slice of your pizza?"

word count 1763

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