Meeting Mr. Hall

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"Good morning class. I am Professor Hall." The teacher said writing it on the board and then turning to face the class. "I'm going to go around the classroom and get to know you all. I want to know your name, life goals, hometown, hobbies, number of siblings if any, favorite color, and then a random fact."

I hate icebreakers. They're so pointless. I'd rather be eating I'm hungry. But I will say, this man is so gorgeous. This had to be a dream because there was no way this angel was going to be instructing me for a whole semester. The way his shirt fit just right showing every muscle on his nice body. Here I was thinking I was going to have some old man teaching me and then this man walks in looking finer than any guy I'd ever laid eyes on.

"Han. It's your turn." Raven whispered nudging me and snapping me out of my thoughts about our very hot professor.

"Uhhh excuse me. Hi. My name is Hannah Covington. My life goals are to get my degree in journalism and start up my own editing business. I am from San Diego California where I lived with my parents Olivia and Adam Covington and younger sister and brother Ashlynn and Ashton Covington. My favorite colors are purple and green and I love spending time with my family." I said sitting down without looking at the teacher or anyone else in the room.

As I took my seat, I could feel Mr. Hall still watching me. Trying not to be noticeable but I knew he was. As soon as I looked up our eyes met and he shot me a flirtatious smirk. I must be about to start my period because he had all my hormones raging. I didn't feel too alone when I glanced around the room at some of me lady peers and they were daydreaming about our professor the same way that I was. 

"You good?" Raven asked when I sat down.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about something." I said slouching down in my seat. 

After class dismissed, Raven and I stayed behind talking to some of our friends about summer break and agreeing to meet up at some point the semester to get caught up on lost time. 

"Hey don't wait up for me tonight. I'm going out to dinner." Raven said while picking up her books.

"Ok. Didn't plan on it." I said while texting on my phone and unplugging my laptop charger from the wall. 

"You don't want to know who I'm going with?" She asked glancing at me.

"Who is it this week Raven?" I responded sarcastically finally looking at her with a smirk on my face. 

"Don't do that. It's Brandon." She said smiling hard.

"Ok. Well, have fun with Brandon. I'll have the alarm on when you get home because unlike you, I'll be in on time." I said making my way to the door so that we could leave and go get lunch. 

"Miss Covington, can I speak to you before you go?" Mr. Hall asked stopping me in my tracks. 

"Go ahead. Just meet me by my car after your next class." I said to Raven and giving her a confused look as to why our teacher was asking me to stay behind. 

"Yes sir?" I asked walking to his desk trying to avoid eye contact

"I loved your introduction writing assignment that you turned in this summer. Everyone told me about themselves as I asked, but you let me in your life. I felt like I was sitting right in front of you listening to you while you told me the highs and lows of your life." He said standing up and walking around to where I was standing.

"My mom writes and she is tough on grammar and descriptive writing so I learned from the best. Plus, I'm an open book so I decided that I'd share it all instead of giving bits and pieces.  

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