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(Heyyoooo!!! WElcome back to the newest chapter!! Swear word warning I think? Oh and quick reminder that Kaigaku IS A PIECE OF SHIT!! But other than that I have nothing else to say. Anyways hope y'all enjoy, Byeeeeee!)

Zenitsu's POV

It's too bright. 

It's as if I'm surrounded by a heavy fog.

My body once again feels surrounded by cold,

I recognize the familiar sensation of blood, now trickling down my arm.

I can hear distantant screams before I'm able to focus on one voice.

"Zenitsu you worthless rat!! This is all your fault!"

My body feels heavy at these words. I...I recognize this voice.

"I'll run and get help! Go find the old man and fight in any way you can!"

I strain myself trying to make out this person's face, but it's no use.

"I'll come back as soon as possible with help!!"

His sound, it was so deceitful and cruel, yet...

"I promise!!"

I couldn't help but trust him...


I awoke from the darkness to a stinging pain on my left cheek. Drowsily I look up coming face to face with the scary black haired boy again! His face twisted in anger and disgust. WeLl whAt A NicCe waKe Up cAll~ He truly was terrifying, I could hear his heartbeat loud and fierce as he got closer. Did neither of these crazy strangers understand PersONal FuckIng SpAce! I swear!! Inspecting me with those pertifying pink eyes of his! I listened closer to hear a quiet and steady rhythm shrouded in worry and kindness. That's strange for such a fierce face they have such a kind heart. They look at me in disgust snarling in my direction. Okay maybe I was wrong...

 I've never really understood why these awful things always happen tO mE!! 

I take in a calming breath and move to stand hoping to have a civil conversation with these mongrels when I smashed face first into the ground.

I then came to the wonderful conclusion that these fucking psycho's tied me to A cHaiR!! 

ReAllY SHIttLy bUT STIlL! 

I wiggle in the restraints loosening them easily. I mean who taught them to tie a knot A fuCkinG tOddlER!! Once my hands and feet were free I up righted the chair and stood now face to face with the black haired boy.

The room was still, the boy once again began to draw the red colored blade. I chuckle slightly and take a deep breath in and then out, "WHAT THE HELL!! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF GORILLA OR SOMETHING!?!  WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT YOU HOOLIGANS MANNERS BECAUSE I HAVE A COUPLE CHOICE WORDS I'D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THEM!!" I screeched, I should have taken a bigger breath I'm feeling kinda woozy. I see the pink eyed savages ever anger expression change  to shock, and all I could do is grin in satisfaction. The boy drew his blade once again, eyes now firey with rage. Hey but at least if I die I can haunt this gorilla until his last dying breath. Take that yOu SOn A bItc-

"Hello dandelion,"

The gorilla-boy ceased his movements in shock and so did I.

Who the fuck was this red head talking to? 

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