Chapter 11.

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Today was the first of a different month. The day Megamind was supposed to be publicly executed in front of all Metro City. Tighten made sure to remind Megamind that the deadline was due and Roxanne refused to break off the engagement. A part of Megamind was happy that Roxanne stood her ground but another part of him was dreading going out in public as it meant his demise and he and Roxanne would never get married. Despite the sadness and extreme dread in his heart, Megamind did not cry. He wouldn't. Not yet. As he took his final breath he would let a stray tear fall but no more than that. Neither Tighten nor Megamind knew that today wouldn't end in death. Near death, maybe but not permanent death. Tighten grabbed Megamind by the arm and brought him in front of the Megamind museum along with the news camera. A bunch of people were there and gasped at their fallen hero. Megamind ignored them as he was concentrating on keeping his remaining dignity.

Tighten decided the Megamind Museum was the best place to kill Metro City's defender. After Megaminds death, he would destroy the museum. Once Tighten got to the building with a weakened Megamind, everyone began screaming in terror at the sight of Tighten. He looked like a crazed version of Superman if he was on drugs. Acid with a tint of heroin for those of you who want an exact description of what kind of drug. It was a deadly combination. "People of Metro City! I hope you are enjoying this lovely day. It brings such joy to my heart to see my rival die today. Sure it might be a sad day for you all, but for me.... I shall treasure this day as this marks the day that Metro City becomes Tighten City once again! So come on, everyone! Say goodbye to your hero today. You have one hour." Tighten chuckled after his cruel and chilling speech. Megamind remained quiet. He couldn't fight, he couldn't run. He could only stand there frozen. The fight, flight, or freeze maneuver was a bitch at times.

People were too terrified to go up to Megamind. They didn't want to say goodbye. They wanted to say welcome back or hello. Megamind didn't blame them. Just then he heard a very loud flick and he saw Tighten flying and crash into a building. Megamind looked up! It was Roxanne in his battle suit and she was wearing the Black Asp suit! If he was in better shape, Megamind would've told her she looked hot as hell but now wasn't the time for that. Right now he was getting saved and he had to make it easier for Roxanne to get him out. Minion was also in the battle suit. The fish nodded at Roxanne and she exited the suit to hug Megamind, who hugged back.

"Are you alright?" Roxanne asked Megamind. He teared up in relief. If he wasn't trying to be strong for the people of Metro City, he would have been a sobbing mess."I think so. I have to find the gun that held Metro Mans DNA or make a new one." Megamind replied. Roxanne nodded and helped Megamind get away from Minion and Tightens fight. "Finding the gun is probably not an option. Can you build one from any scrap metal or something?" Roxanne asked. Megamind smirked. "Babe, the one thing you should remember is I can build anything out of almost anything. Just get me to the nearest scrapyard and-!" Before Megamind could finish his sentence, Roxanne was thrown away by Tighten. Megamind turned around to see Minion unconscious in the battle suit. The gorilla suit wasn't damaged so Minion wasn't going to suffocate from lack of water. Megamind turned back to Roxanne to see Tighten choking her.

Megamind got up despite his pain and ran towards Tighten. "LET HER GO!" Megamind shouted. Tighten turned to Megamind, grinned, and only tightened his grip on Roxannes neck. Megamind ran to stop Tighten but the villain threw Megamind away and a sickening crack could be heard. Megamind clenched his teeth as he felt his arm break and dislocate. He was in extreme pain. "Megamind!" Roxanne called out in a choked voice. The villain turned to Roxanne with a glared if rage and slight jealousy. "You could've been spared if you just broke off the engagement...." Tighten said. ".....but you will just have to stay as a maid for the rest of your life and remain in the morgue of my choosing." The words might have terrified Roxanne but they pissed off Megamind. As Roxanne was turning blue from lack of oxygen, Megaminds eyes turned to a darker hue. This time he was aware. This time he let the rage consume him. With another sickening crack, Megamind put his arm back in place as his advanced healing just kicked in.

Megamind got up and walked slowly behind Tighten. He was moving as sliw as a zombie just rising from the grave only Megamind was fully alive. All the ex-villain could think was 'Destroy Threat' and 'Protect Mate and Innocents'. The mode Megamind was in was primal. Megamind grabbed Tighten, causing him to let go of Roxanne. When Tighten looked in Megaminds eyes, terror filled his murderous soul. It was then Tighten knew he was fucked. "Are you ready for round two....?" Roxannes eyes widened. Not of fear of Megamind but amazement. Megamind turned to her as he grabbed Tighten by his cape. 'Run and help the others. I got this." Roxanne nodded and went to help Minion first. She trusted Megaminds judgement.

The people watched in amazement from afar as Megamind began taking down his enemy with a fury of fists and kicks. Tighten couldn't even attack back and he felt pain with each punch and kick Megamind gave him. It wasn't possible but it was happening! "You think this is funny?" Megamind asked. "Hey. Hey. It was a joke, man!" Tighten said nervously as he tried to fly away but Megamind grabbed him by the cape and slammed him onto the ground. "So murdering a bunch of prisoners who were close to being free and police officers, torturing me for a month, and hurting the people I care about is a joke to you? How about I give you the fucking punchline?" Megamind retorted and punched Tighten in the face hard enough to send him flying into a brick wall. Megamind walked to Tighten. To Megamind it was a normal walk but everyone else and Tighten it was intimidating. Everyone could see that it wouldn't end well for Tighten. The villain looked around for any form of escape from Megaminds rage. He then saw Megamind was slightly limping. That meant the defender was still healing, Tighten charged at Megamind and grabbed his leg and broke it. The blue alien yelped in pain and something slipped out of his glove. It was Tightens knife! Both men reached for it but Tighten got to it first. He tried to stab Megamind in the chest but Megamind stopped his wrist and it became a stereotypical struggle of trying to stab a person and trying to avoid being stabbed.

Warden, Yin, and the other officers watched the fighting men from a distance. Yin couldn't stay in position any longer. He had to force himself to but Yin knew deep down that he had to repay a 10+ year debt. The city needed their hero and Megamind needed to know that he was alive and it wasn't his fault. Yin owed his friend that. Warden saw Yin getting antsy. He sighed and said to his nephew "Go. But get both of your asses out alive. We also need Tighten alive but powerless. Can you do that with your..... Abilities?" Yin nodded. "Yeah. I can. Piece of cake. Also I believe Rixanne and Minion can help out. Now I got a friend to save."

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