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*If y'all ain't guess this will be a fast paced story. The events gone jump just so the story can stay interesting okay?*-Author POV

School was back in and I was finally out that fucking house.

My mama was driving me crazy.

They even took my car and cut me off the family funds until I get some act right.

What they don't know is Bagg gives me all the act right that I need. I barely see him a lot now and when I do it's just to fuck.

He's always at the trap or busy with his family.

For a second I started to believe I was just a quick fuck but he ensured I wasn't.

"Monii?" Lesi walked in.

"Wassup sis?"

"You been camped up in this room all day what's wrong?"

"Nothing just been thinking bout ways to make money and stuff since I been cut off." "Get a job." "Like a real job?" I asked.

She laughed.

"Girl yes what's wrong with that?"

"That don't sit right in my soul." I said. She laughed. "Well my job is hiring if you change yo mind." "Thanks sis."

I grabbed my phone and called TeTe.


Te I got a question.

Wassup Monii?

Y'all think I can get in?

What you mean get in?

I want in on the drug business.

Ion know can you ask Bagg?

I know he'll say no so I mean I rather y'all say it for him.

She laughed.

Um it doesn't matter to us but this is Bagg set up if you want in you gotta talk to him.

I sighed.

Where he at ?

He should be on the way here.

Okay I'm on the way. I rather talk to him face to face.

Okay girl. Good luck.


I hung up and sighed. I got up and got dressed. I hope he ain't on that shit.

I put on this.

I had Maddie drop me off

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I had Maddie drop me off.

"Thanks Maddie." "No problem what time should I get you?"

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