Hold me like back then

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This isn't canon. Just what would've happened if these characters didn't originate from a roleplay most likely. I mean, they're just characters. I can ship my own babies if I want. This is like- 1300+ words. 

The boys were huddled on the school rooftop, sitting on their favourite bench as the cold of winter bit at them quietly. One boy, sobbing hard into the other's chest, was shivering as his face was bitten by the cool weather. His friend just wrapped his jacket a bit around him too, the piece of clothing being too big and nearly being able to go around them both. They just ignored the world around them and took in each other's comfort.

The cold of winter was not as cold as the feeling of a broken heart, so as the boy buried his face more into his friend's sweater, they both could feel the pain that stabbed through him like ice.
"When we're older..."
The boy with deep blue eyes murmured, voice trailing off as the mango haired one looked up with the sore puffy eyes they'd both seen so many times. His attention was all for the one he felt safe with though, eyes glittering with small curiosity.
"..I want to be here, like this but.. with you smiling. Like before."

The mango haired boy tilted his head, silent as his head ticked away like the clock that is life. 
"..What do you mean...?"
He spoke softly, blinking as he pressed into the other for warmth and protection from the weather. The world, forgotten at this point. Only the bench with snow showering above from the clouds above. Each unique crystallization falling onto them, but no cares given as the moment was shared.

The one with blue eyes looked away, quietly burying his face into his grey scarf a bit as he confess his thoughts right here, right now.
"If I could live with you and... be able to see you everyday, I'd be really happy."
The two went silent, but the mango boy just leaned up a bit more to get out of the other's sweater and to just press into his friend's neck to hug him stronger.

"That sounds nice, Z."
He commented, calming down clearly.

"Let's go home, okay?"


The warmth of summer did not bother the two as they pressed together, eyes tracing over the sky's beautiful yellow, fading into pink much like the mango boy's hair. While school had already ended, they were busy enjoying each other's company. As expected, the mango boy began to cry after awhile of sitting, curling up and snuggling into his friend's body as he tried to suppress the tears. The blue eyed boy just sighed, turning himself on the bench a bit to be able to hug the boy. 
"Shhhhh... Hey, it's okay.."
He quickly murmured, only resulting in the boy to sob into his shoulder as he grabbed on tight to his friend's shirt.

"She...She's totally forgotten about me.."
The mango haired boy sobbed, his warm tears damping the other's shoulder as he sobbed messily. Each sniffle being counter productive as he coughed the snot onto the clothing.
"She's all about him!"
He pressed more into his friend as he broke down, muffling his cries.

The blue eyed boy just sighed, rubbing his hand in circular motions on the poor boy's back. He shouldn't have to deal with such emotions, but if this was the path that the world wanted him to take, he wouldn't have to take it alone. At least, that was what he wanted to make sure of.
"When we're older..."
He whispered, the words feathering into the air as the boy mango quieted his sobs to listen to the calm voice of reason he knew and loved. They went silent for a bit before continuing to speak.
"I want to still be with you, like this. But you'll be so happy, Seb. Promise, okay?"
He looked down to the boy who was buried into his shoulder as he sniffled.

"...That sounds nice, Xander.."
Seb replied, voice cracking a bit before he buried his face back into Xander's shoulder. The comfort of this spot was unlike anywhere else. He felt like he was just a small boy in the arms of a strong protector, even if they were the same height. 
"Like... Just the two of us in a home? Happy?"

"Of course... Speaking of home, you should probably get back."

"...Yeah. Can you walk with me?


Sebastian hummed, thinking back quietly while he had his freedom. He looked down to the boy he loved oh so dearly, those blue eyes haven't having changed despite the seasons. The quiet room they sat in seemed like just void as he sat on the couch with Alexander. It felt like every moment they had shared rolled up into one. He sighed longingly and snuggled into the other who laid on the couch with him.

Alex stirred as the light sleeper he was, blinking as he looked up to the slightly taller inkling. He smiled a bit and brushed his soft hair against the other's chin in reply to him snuggling in.
"What's the matter, Sebastian?" 
He calmly asked, breathing in the calm energy that he missed from the other when they were younger. It was such a rare thing, and living it so often was so nice.
"You're not usually such a cuddle bug..."

The mango boy blushed lightly as he planted his chin on the top of Alexander's head, the hair curling around his face to cup it quietly. Seb thought of an answer and only thought up the truth. 
"I was thinking of when we were younger."
He muttered, voice warm with longing as he looked back on memories. Even if every one was him crying over being alone, he had Alexander and it made every one still able to be cherished.

Alexander hummed before chuckling, acknowledging the times when they were young.
"We really were close, huh? I'm glad you didn't shut me out."
He replied, sighing as Seb tightened his hold on him. The other clearly must've been thinking for awhile if he felt so strongly about it. But Z couldn't put together why at first.

"...I am too."
Sebastian first whispered out, the boy lost in his thoughts for awhile longer before he snuggled a little more, hugging his legs around the other's. He felt like something was missing with this time so close to the blue eyed boy, and at first, he couldn't put his finger on it. His brain ticked quietly, the same ticking from when he was young, the same chime of an idea occuring.
"Z, you wanted to be like this, right? With me happy?"

Alexander paused quietly, breathing in as he thought back.
"Yes... Why do you ask?"
The boy responded, soft tone practically inaudible as he began to grow confused, worried even. Sebastian just sighed softly and thought carefully as to how to word this. He sighed softly and just hugged his friend tightly while he could.

"You got your wish. You get to see me everyday, and we're happy."
Sebastian quietly mumbled, raising a hand to stroke Alexander's cheek, He hummed a gentle melody. Sounding so familiar to them both, but Alex didn't join in to take in the rare moment where Seb would hum to him like Xander would do to him.

The song was short, they both knew that. The tune so gentle however, neither cared. Taking in the moments and making them memories was just what they had to do. A happy part of life. 

"However, there's... one thing I would like to add to our already perfect life."
Sebastian whispered out eventually, mouth right against Alexander's ear as his voice tickled it. He happily hummed the finishing notes to the tune right there for Alexander to hear, though keeping his voice soft to not hurt the boy's hearing.

Sebastian could tell Alexander was waiting in anticipation, wanting to make him the happiest inkling alive was always something Alexander expressed. They both knew that. So, the silence, a familiar friend before they would quietly confess something, greeted them. As it said goodbye however, after some shuffling from Seb, a gentle kiss pressed against Alexander's cheek.
"Hold me like back then."

"Hold me like the rest of the world doesn't exist, cause it doesn't when it's just us two. 
It's just both of us."

Alexander couldn't help but try and kiss back after that.
"Y-You're telling me you've had a crush on me this long Seb?!"

"Yeah! Was it surprising?"

"U-Uhm-! Yeah..."


"Give me another kiss."


Yeah they gay, keep on scrolling.

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