Chapter 10

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Chapter: The Danger!

Y/n has not moved up from the last few days,but that didn't stop him of training like hell.

Y/n had been currently training in his house,laying on hundreds of swords while still maintaining his balance.

Y/n:2 million and ninety eight....

The black aura that Y/n was emitting throughout his body disappeared.

Y/n:Guess...that's my limit...for today.

Y/n carefully got up and jumped off to the ground.

Y/n pit his hand over the hundreds of swords and they disappeared.

Y/n sighed as he stretched and went to the bathroom to wash his sweat off his body.


As Y/n got out of the shower he immediately got a message.

Y/n:Is that the Hero Association?

Y/n walked over to his phone and saw that the message came from Bang stating that he required his presence at the dojo.

Y/n:What's this all of a sudden?

He got dressed as he headed to the door.


Y/n arrived at Bang's Dojo where he also saw Genos and Saitama standing behind him.

Y/n:Huh? You taking in more students?

Bang:Ah, no,Saitama is guest here...

Y/n walked inside as he also saw Chiranko training by himself.

Y/n:So what is he a guest for exactly.

Bang/closes the door as he walks over to Y/n.

Bang:For the Fist Of Flowing Rock...


Y/n looked over to Saitama and Genos,Saitama with a blank face and Genos with somewhat an serious expression.

Y/n:They dont look like they interested in it tho.

Bang:Well I just at least wanted to hear by them.

Y/n:That's alright and all,but,why did you tell me to come.

Bang:Well,now that you have mastered my technique,you'll face off against me...

Genos:So he already mastered your technique? How long has it been since he was your apprentice?

Bang:Hm? I think...a couple of days...

Genos:A couple of days you say? Then my master and I have no interest in this technique of yours...Let's go master...

Bang:Oh come on,you can at least just observe and see how it goes from there...

Saitama walks over to them as he smiles.

Saitama:Is it a cool thing?

Bang:You could say that...

Saitama:Then count me in...

Bang looks over to Genos as he walks over to Saitama.

Genos:I'm only here,because my master is here.

Bang:Good,then Y/n,go and put on the training gear.

Y/n:Nah,I think I can still move better than you in these clothes.

Bang:Is that a challenge?

Y/n:I dont know,should it be one?

Y/n and Bang had a fierce some stare down as Y/n smirked.

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