September 1, 1943

13 1 0

Sunday - Journey

Sixth year started just as I thought it would have; slow, hot, and loud. Immediately after my parents had apparated me to King's cross, the sound and smell of muggle London filled my senses. I never was one to appreciate it, but every year we had to suffer through it nonetheless.

I crinkled my nose as a particularly nasty smell made its way into my nostrils as we made our way to platforms 9 and 10, me trailing behind my father who pulled my trunk effortlessly while I hung onto the cage of my owl. I had newly acquired this owl just a few weeks prior as a 'late prefect present' according to my mother. I'd already gotten a myriad of gifts from them last year when I was made the prefect of Slytherin house, but she must've decided it wasn't enough. I was definitely not complaining, though.

So here I was carrying a small barn owl, who was surprisingly quiet, through the throngs of muggles gathered on the platform. My father's steps ahead of me slowed down as we reached platforms 9 and 10, taking his hand off of my trunk and letting it rest on the cracked pavement. My mother and I stopped behind him, her clutching my arm with the same sad grip every year. Despite it being my 6th year and almost being 17, she still refused to admit I was growing up and felt anxious every time she sent me off on my own. I turned to her, gripping her in a hug tighter than her grip on my arm from earlier.

"I'll miss you, mum," I said releasing myself from her hold

She had a sad expression on her face as she let go of me, dapping the corners of her eyes slightly with her handkerchief. "I'll miss you too sweetie. Be good alright?" She exclaimed sadly, walking over to her husband.

With that, I turned to my father and engulfed him in a hug similar to the one I'd given my mother. He returned the gesture, but before long my mother threw herself into me once more and engulfed the three of us in a group hug.

My father gave a small chuckle at her gesture before gently stepping away, putting an arm around his wife. "Stay safe Liliana, we love you," My dad said with a small smile on his face.

I returned the smile with one of my own and heaved my trunk up with my free arm. With one last glance at my parents, I began to run towards the brick column that would take me to platform 9 and 3/4. I felt myself make contact, and as always it felt like nothing for a few seconds before I was transported on the platform filled with wizards and witches hastily dragging trolleys around. My senses were replaced with the smell of chocolate frogs, (which Hogwarts students were sure to have an abundance of), and the hooting of owls resonating off of the stone architecture. I took in the sight I saw a couple of times a year before moving forward. Without my father to help me with my belongings, it was a lot harder to navigate through the throngs of people who clocked the platform, only this time they were wizards with trunks and owl cages of their own, so it was almost impossible to walk without bumping into something.

Thankfully, my savior came in the form of a platinum blonde boy almost knocking into me himself. I felt something bump my owl's cage, which resulted in a loud squawk resonating from my small owl, who I had still yet to name. The person who had seemingly bumped into me gave a small shout before turning around, only for his surprised expression to turn into a lopsided grin.

"Lili!" He exclaimed, almost tripping as he set down his own trunk and leaned in to hug me.

"Hello, Abraxas. "I said returning his smile, unceremoniously setting down my belongings to return his hug. Like always, he smelled of expensive cologne and mint. I sighed as I breathed him in his familiar scent.

"How have you been?" He said releasing me from his hold, "you hadn't written to me in the longest time, I was beginning to think you'd forgotten me" He said teasingly.

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